Status: constant updates(:

Last Time Around


Nick's P.O.V.

I was just getting out of my car after sitting in the parking lot for five minutes. One of our directors had called me and Joe and Kevin didn't feel the need to wait in the car with me and went on inside the store.
When I was close to the automatic doors, I glanced around real quick to make sure there was no one there to be spying on me or any fans that would ambush. I stepped into the store and didn't hear anything to hectic going on so Joe and Kevin must be good too. I swear, going out in public is like a military tactic. You've got to watch every little move we make without the press twisting it into some form of their entertainment.
Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, but it just get's a little heavy at times. Sometimes, I'd like to go out and have a nice dinner date with a girl, that didn't want me for the rock star matter, and have a nice evening together, without the press trying to get every juicy detail they can for the fans to read. I mean come on, I'm nineteen, my life isn't that interesting!

But I push all this aside as I walk around the store look for my brothers. This store is fairly large, so I gave up a little bit and figured I'd run into them as I'm finding the things that my mother had requested.
Laundry detergent, cereal, dish soap, and orange juice.
In the cleaning isle, I found both laundry detergent and dish soap. I walked over to the refrigerated section for the orange juice because knowing Joe, he'd go straight to the cereal's for his Trix. I laughed to myself as I stood in front of the juices determining which one to purchase when a voice spoke up next to me.
"You know, they are all pretty much the same." She said. "But Tropicana is less expensive and not all that pulpy." She said and grabbed a carton for herself.
"Well good thing because I'm not into pulp that much either." I said back.
She was absolutely stunning. Her hair was up to her shoulders in choppy layers. It was very blonde, almost platinum, and had dark brown streaks through out it and underneath it it seemed as well. She had eyes that were a deep and dark shade of green, almost hazel with little make up lining it. Her pink lips formed up into a smile that was truly breath taking. She seemed so familiar to me but I'm not sure I've ever seen or met a girl like her before.

"Hi, I'm Nick." I said and placed my hand out for her. She looked at it hesitantly but took it. Her hand was warm in mine.
"Samantha, but my friends call me Sam."
"Oh okay."
"So are you from around here?"
"Kind of," I admitted. "I have a house here but my family and I travel a lot." I kept it simple. Obviously she doesn't recognize me as a rock star and I kind of liked it like that.
"Oh, I can tell." Samantha answered and moved toward her shopping cart.
"How?" I asked confused, maybe she did know. I walked along with her as she walked down the rows of meat, picking up certain items.
"Well any one that lives here in Westlake knows this store inside and out." She said. Her laugh was like a melody that I would love to hear again. I laughed too. "And the mall. Everyone knows this place and the mall!" She said.
"Oh, I haven't seen it yet."
"You should check it out." Samantha suggested.
"I will." I smiled at her. "How long have you lived here?" I asked. I wanted to know more about her. I just can't shake the feeling that I already know her.
"All my life." She said and then glanced around. Her face suddenly filled with worry or paranoid? "I have to go find my little sister. It was nice meeting you." She smiled at me and then turned away with her cart.

I walked up and down the isle's looking for my brother. At least, that's what I told myself. Deep down I was really hoping to catch some more glimpses of Samantha. I was near the canned food section when I heard my name called.
"Nick!" Joe called.
"Hey guys," I said.
"Where have you been?" Kevin asked.
"I was busy."
"With what?" Kevin asked.
"Um, I just met the most amazing girl." I said, getting butterflies just thinking about her.
"Really?" Kevin asked intently.
"So did we." Joe said laughing a little.
They stepped aside and a small little girl with a small smile and little teeth approached me. Her blonde locks covered some of her face. She swiped it away and looked up at me.
"Hi. I'm Leah."
"Hello, what are you doing with my brothers?" I asked.
"I lost my sister and they kindly offered to find her with me." She said so innocently.
"She so sweet." Kevin said.
"Makes me want to have a little sister." Joe said.
"Oh sure, tell that to Frankie. We can dress him up like a girl." I said and we all laughed.
"What's your sister's name sweetie?" I said and leaned toward her.

Oh how did I not see that one coming?