Status: constant updates(:

Last Time Around


Leaving Nick was hard. I knew it was him. He acted the same way he did when we first met years ago. Sweet, polite, and curious but shy. I guarantee though that he doesn't remember me. I only recognized him because of the recent pictures I've seen. No part of me wanted to walk away from him, but Leah has been gone for too long and this store is big enough to loose someone and I started to worry.
As I'm going up and down the isle, I'm trying to keep my nerves calmed and my mind off Nick. So I scanned through my grocery list and soon come to an end of what I needed. I was pushing the cart through the last isle when I heard voices enter the isle.
"There she is," Leah's voice spoke up.
"That's her?" Another voice asked.
"Yeah!" She said and I turned around quick.
"Hey, where have you been?" I asked.
"Looking for you!" She answered back.
"And it looks like your brought friends?" I asked.
"Samantha, this is Joe, Kevin, and Nick." She pointed out each. My eyes stopped on Nick for more than I should have.
"Hello," Kevin gave a small wave.
"Well it seems like we found something of yours." Nick said smiling.
"Actually, I found her." Joe said giving me a smile too. "And yes, I am a Jonas." He said, offering his hand and I tried not to laugh as I took it to shake it.
"Yeah, I'm aware of that." I said.
"Hm, you seem familiar." Joe said looking me up and down. "Have you been to one of our concerts?"

Nick's P.O.V.

"No." Samantha answered back to Joe.
So he thought she looked familiar too! Maybe we have met her before! No, it's not a maybe, it's a for sure. And she knows about the fact that we are the Jonas brothers. So if she's aware of our rock star life then why isn't she freaking out? Maybe she doesn't like the Jonas Brothers. No if she didn't like us, why would she be acting so polite to us now? Maybe she's not like the others.

That's for sure.

"Well thank you for keeping my sister safe." She smiled at us and I just stared.
"Yeah, thank you." Leah said.
"Oh, don't forget your cereal." Joe said smiling and handing the box to Leah. He was being overly nice and I wanted to hit him in the arm but I don't think that would be nice in front of the girls.
"Thanks Joe." Leah smiled. I wondered if Samantha looked like Leah when she was a little girl because their smile and face features were similar.
"Come on Leah we've got to get home." Samantha told her and I dreaded that this was the end.
"Wait, we don't get an award for finding your sister?" Joe joked.
"Dude," I said and punched his arm now.
"Bye guys. Thank you for everything." Samantha said and walked away from us.

Joe waited until she was around the corner before he turned toward me.
"I like her, she's pretty." Joe smirked at me and I punched him again.
"Why are we throwing punches?" Kevin asked.
"Because Joe is being an idiot!" I growled.
"No, it's because that's the girl that Nick likes." Joe mocked me. Dang, was it that obvious?
"I don't like her Joe. I don't even know her." I tried to cover it up.
"Uh, so she wasn't the 'amazing girl you just met' eh?"

She was the amazing girl that I have to see again.
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sorry if it seems short, it's late and I have to get to bed.(: