Status: constant updates(:

Last Time Around


Nick's P.O.V.

We sat down after getting two pretzels and an icee. We bought a large one so I'm guessing she doesn't have a problem with sharing with strangers. I wanted to sit a booth so we could be next to each other but settled for a table. This worked for me as well because I got to actually look at her and not have to turn to face her.

"Thanks for the pretzel." Samantha smiled shyly. "You didn't have to pay."
"No worries." I brushed it off.
It was quiet between us while we tore our pretzels apart to dip them in the cheese. I watched as she glanced around the mall a few times and then she turned back to me.

"So..." she began like she was going to ask a question. I held my breath. Just like every other person, they always ask me questions about the celebrity life. I could only imagine her question. "How long do you think we can keep Joe stalled." She laughed a little bit. I let out a cheerful sigh.
"Hopefully long enough." I answered back. I told Joe I was hungry, and he took the hint, and went off to Pacsun to go check out some clothes. "He might be gone all day. He's quite crazy about his skinny jeans."
"Just like any girl." She said chuckling.
"So, I've been dying to know something."
"Okay shoot."
"You know who I am right?" I asked.
"You're Nick Jonas are you not?" She asked. "Because if not, then I can't be talking to a stranger." She said trying not to laugh at me.
"But I am a stranger." I pointed out.
"Hardly." She mumbled.

"Samantha!" Someone yelled from across the mall. She turned her head fast and I followed her glance. A small girl with brown hair and blonde highlights hurried over to her, holding hands with a tall guy with dark black hair.
"Hey Jess," Samantha smiled, barely. "Connor." She said almost painfully.
"Hey! We were just about to stop in and say hi to you." The girl said. She seemed really spunky.
"Oh, well I'm just on my break." Samantha said. "Um, Jessica, Connor, this is Nick." She introduced us. Her voice almost sounded gleeful.
"Hello?" Jessica's eyes widened. Connor just gave a nod and looked at me weird. What's his deal?
"Well, I only got about twenty minutes so I'll talk to you guys later." Samantha told Jessica in a tone that said, get away now.
"Okay, later. Love you." Jessica said and walked away with Connor.

I looked at Samantha; she rolled her eyes and sighed, taking another bite of her pretzel. When she looked back up at she looked shocked. "What?"
"They seem nice." I said sarcastically.
"Jessica's my best friend." She explained.
"And the guy, is he your best friend too?" Maybe he used to be an ex.
"Something like that." Samantha answered and I eyed her suspiciously. She sighed. "I used to have a crush on him. But now apparently, he is dating my best friend." She looked off in their direction.
"Oh." I said looking down. "Well, he looks like a stuck up emo kid if I would say so myself." I said lightly, trying to cheer her up. "If that's what you’re into."
"Well luckily, that's not what I'm into." Her face lightened back up.
"So what else?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I know you’re not into emo kids anymore." I laughed. "What else can I know about you? What's your story?"
"It's a pretty long story." She said.
"Well," I checked my watch, "we've got fifteen minutes. Start talking." I leaned forward, intrigued by her.

Samantha has lived in Texas all her life and is currently eighteen. She loves rock music with the passion but her favorite is acoustic music. She is a senior at Westlake High School and has her own car. Her little sister Leah is only nine.

"So what about your parents. I mean it seems you have a lot of responsibility. Are they divorced or what?" I asked.
Samantha bit her lip nervously and looked down. She took a quick sip of the icee but waiting for her response seemed like a lifetime. "No," she looked up at me, "my parent's passed away when I was sixteen." I didn't know what to say and I'm sure my face showed it, so she went on. "Crazy car accident, I don't really know. But Leah and I were sent to an orphanage. Leah was only seven but she's smart to know what really went on so I never fed her lies."
"Wow. So do you still live there?" I asked. Wow, she's an orphan.
"No." She said quickly. "My parents had money, a lot of it, and in their will, just like many parents, passed it down to me when I turned eighteen. So when I was eighteen, legal age, I got out of the orphanage, took Leah with me, and bought an apartment." She nodded, thinking. "I don’t really know how they were able to save as much as they did, but in terms, I'm pretty much loaded. But no one knows that. Not even Jessica."
"Then why tell me?" I asked really interested.
"Well, you're pretty famous, and you've got to know what I mean when I say I don't want people hanging around me for the wrong reasons." She stated as if she knew I got that all the time.
"True." I nodded. Man, she was real down to earth. She had so much money and yet she took care of her sister instead of just leaving her in that place. I loved this. Talking was so easy with her.
"Wasn't it hard trying to keep you and Leah together?" I asked.
"Oh, we worked like hell to!" She exclaimed. "But whenever someone came along, Leah would throw a little tantrum,” she laughed to herself.” But we fought and stayed with each other for two years. And now I'm all she's got."
"Wow, you're really mature for your age." I told her truthfully. Samantha’s not one of those girls who turn eighteen and can't wait to get out and party.
"I have to be. But please, I don't tell people these things because I don't really want sympathy."
"Oh, well now were even."
"You don't treat me like a celebrity. So it's only fair that I treat you normal too." I smiled and that made her eyes glisten.
"I like this." She said as if reading my mind. "I like talking to you."
Before I could tell her the same, her watch started to beep and she immediately started cleaning up.
"I've got to get back." She said scrambling but then she stopped and looked at me. "Next time, it's your turn." She smiled.
"For what?"
"Your story." She said slyly.
"So there's a next time?"
"Definitely." Samantha smiled and handed me the napkin. "Later." She said and walked away toward the store.

I unfolded the napkin and smiled at her scribbled writing.
Tomorrow. 6:15. Same table?
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let me know what you think.
too cheesy?
sorry it's long, but I hope all your questions are answered.