Jacob Black dies...and he goes to the Black Parade!

Jacob Black's operation

Jacob Black’s point of view...

“Are you ready?” The mask-clad doctor asked me, holding up a chart, as cold and heartless as the rest of this dank hospital that was constantly covered in the stench of sharp disinfectant, before my tired eyes.

I shifted around my blankets, feeling the ancient steel gurney frame beneath me dig into my back. The other scalpel waving doctors and nurses were crowded around, covered eyes scanning for the right places to cut.

A card pinned to the edge of the hospital bed, saying Jacob Black, declared my name.

A nosey person called Stephanie Meyer wrote down the stupid story of our life. About vampires, werewolves, ladedadadada. It’s all true, but the movie adaptations were horrible. I mean, Edward is handsome in real life, but that stupid wanker of a person, Robert Pattinson, makes him look like he had an accident with a bucket of white paint. Luckily, they did portray Bella’s prettiness quite well.

We don’t live in Forks, so don’t bother trying to find us.

The Volturi shut her mouth up once and for all a couple of years ago. Permanently,

I shivered involuntarily.

I felt so...cold. What a corny line I know, but that’s what I felt. Not like, OMG it’s freezing. It’s like, I’m swimming in cold water, but breathing at the same time.

“How much time do I have left?” I croaked as I examined the chart, which showed my rapid downfall in health from 6 months ago. From about a month ago to now, it was an almost vertical line. I hadn’t drunk water for about 3 days.

“If this operation succeeds... I would say about 3 months, but if we can’t extract this entire malignant tumour out, then about a week... But it may be rooted too deeply. We won’t know fully until we actually get in there. Now, if you examine this...”

I let his voice drone on in the background like the buzz of a bee’s wings as I thought about all the things I hadn’t done, and all the goals I didn’t achieve. A bitter smile flitted across my face as I thought about lying Renesmee, and her fake promises spoken with a honey tongue.
But now as I thought about it, it was more my fault then her that we didn’t bond. Sam didn’t know that u could un-inprint. I wondered where she had disappeared off to. Probably didn’t hear the news that I was dead. Or I was going to die. Same thing really...

A mask was lowered into my line of vision. I nodded, and it was placed on top of my nose and mouth. I breathed in the anaesthetic, and I drifted off into darkness. And it was up to the ‘medical people’ to save my life.
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lol i just want him to die...
I'm not much of a twilight fan, so I may get some minor details wrong.
But I'll do my research XD