Jacob Black dies...and he goes to the Black Parade!

They finished reading Breaking Dawn

We had finally reached the end of Breaking Dawn, and we all breathed a sigh of relief. That was a pretty long read, not to mention a boring one as well. At least boring for Ray, Mikey, Bob and I. Frank was totally hooked.

I realised that Stephanie Meyer had dedicated New Moon to a couple of bands, including us!

We rolled back onto our butts, and closed our eyes to give relief to our tired eyes.

“Guys, get ready for the performance. Your costumes are in your dressing room.” Brian’s voice bleated from somewhere in the tour bus. Sighs ensued around the circle of five. We all stood up massaging various body parts that ached.

The dressing room was spattered with pictures of various bands and musical personas. 5 military uniforms were hung up on coat hooks, and we quickly took off our tops.

Everyone winced at the sight of my bare back, emblazoned with long, deep red scars. I quickly pulled on a black shirt to cover them up. Everyone else put on their uniforms as well.

I patted down my uniform, nose wrinkling at the smell of recently washed clothes. Everyone else got their equipment ready.

I wandered around, humming quietly under my breath as I looked for anything to distract my mind from the newcomer in ‘the other world’.

I suddenly stopped as I thought about what he had said. If werewolves exist, and if vampires exist, did the Volturi exist too?
According to Stephanie Meyer’s recount of them, they were meant to be pretty scary. As in ‘I will rip off your head if you do something that hints to humans that we exist’ kind of scary.
We were humans, and we knew the entire truth.


A while later...

“5 minutes. Ok guys?” Brian stuck his head inside our dressing room.'

Everything was ready.

“Let’s do it.” I half-heartedly cheered. Everyone else nodded. They knew exactly how I felt.

5 minutes later...

We ascended onto the stage through hidden steps. It took a while for the crowd to realise that we had come on.

The audience were visibly getting rowdy. I could sense their impatience.

“How are you guys?” I belted out to the crowd. They screamed their faces off. I looked at everyone else to see if they were ready. They nodded, and they didn’t look happy.

“I know how you feel.” I sighed. It was going to be a long concert.

“I am not afraid to keep in living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone. Honey if you stay I’ll be forgiven, nothing you can say can stop me going home.” My voice petered out at the end as fire burst out from hidden devices. The people in front burst into screams, yells, and other noises.

“We are. The Black Parade!” I yelled, putting up my arms as if to surrender myself to their seemingly never-ending energy.

“We gotta go.” Frank whispered in my ear. The audience thought it was a Frerard moment, and went even more nuts. I kissed him playfully on the cheek just for crowd entertainment. They howled their approval, like a house of wolves. (you get it? It’s a song from their album)

We exited in a grand explosion of golden and black confetti.

“Let’s quickly go there.” I told everyone as we changed back into normal clothes. We all knew what ‘there’ was.

“Where are you guys going?” Brian’s voice followed us as we ran to our bunks.

“Sleep.” Bob yelled back as we all lay down.

“Already? But it’s only 6 o’clock.”

“We’re early risers.” I said as I closed my eyes.

“But you guys wake up at like, 10 o’clock in the morning!”

But his words fell on deaf ears. We had already fallen asleep, anxious to welcome the werewolf.
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