Jacob Black dies...and he goes to the Black Parade!

The Volturi have a plan

Gerard’s P.O.V
I opened my eyes in the real world, and saw Brian shaking me vivaciously, waving a phone in my face.

“What merch do you want for tonight?” He handed me the phone, which I irritably took.
After I finished discussing the band merch with the host of the venue we were performing today, about 10 seconds worth, I stood up, quickly stretching my muscles, before waking up Mikey first, followed by Bob, Frank and Ray.

For some unfathomable reason, Frank and Ray were laughing their heads off.
“What?” I grunted as I bent over to pick up my discarded blankets.

“Yo-ou should have stayed there. When Bob came back, he fell backwards.” Frank started his creepy hyena-like laugh, and I looked weirdly at him.

“So?...” I asked, quickly making my bunk, and digging around for a jacket.

“He fell backwards...of the float!” Ray howled the punchline, and they both started to laugh again.

I exchanged ‘I don’t get it’ glances with Bob, who just rubbed the back of his head.
Brian had gone at the beginning of our weird conversation. What we were talking about would seem like gibberish to him, because he didn’t know what ‘there’ was either.
I quickly slipped on a leather jacket on top of my slept in t-shirt, the others doing the same with cardigans, blah blah blah.

As I quickly visited the bathroom for a shave, I looked in the mirror. I sighed, and started to lather the cream.

Aro’s P.O.V

The Volturi had been in a meeting for over 3 hours, discussing different ways to reach Jacob Black to the afterlife, and his punishment for what he had done to our fellow kin. Finally, we reached a decision.

I slammed my hands down, as the choice had been made.

“Jane and I will sleep. And we will challenge the leaders of The Black Parade. We will succeed, and I will bring back his soul in the empty vassal of one of the leaders. And we will have our revenge for the slaying of a fellow sister!” I roared out into the roof above, and to the crowd of bloodthirsty vampires. They applauded quietly, but that was a very big compliment in vampiric standards.

We vampires can sleep, but most choose not to, due to the fact that they visit the Black Parade, one of the different afterlives that scarcely few know about, let alone talk about. Most vampires believe they cannot sleep, so they don’t.

It is a curse that was put upon us over 8 millennia ago, when one of our kind unknowingly killed and fed upon the daughter of a powerful shaman. The shaman sacrificed herself, and used her own lifeblood to weave an eternal curse that could only be rid when all the vampires have died out. I have no intention on dying, so that is why we must stay awake. The lords of The Black Parade are harsh, and will deal punishment, quickly and with no mercy. Many expeditions of vampire’s souls have not returned.

A name that had been brought back; Billy.

It is believed that the rulers change positions every few years, so we have another chance at defeating them.

If they were human, as the last were, then they would have no chance. We are the superior race, and that is a fact. The other vampires were only vampires. We are the Volturi.

It would be so much easier just to find the physical bodies of the rulers, and wait for them to wake up, before challenging them in a fight for Jacob’s soul. We would win as easily as if they were insects. We cannot kill them, or that will upset the entire balance of the world, and the universe will be thrown into chaos.

So a few cuts will do.

All we need to do is find out what they look like, then we will find them on Earth.

Jane and I readied ourselves for the journey. We settled down onto specific bed cots in comfortable, casual clothes, before closing our eyes, and trying to go to sleep. It’s hard, especially if it’s your first time in about 300 years.

Gerard’s P.O.V

“Thank you guys so much. You’ve saved my life, like, so many times.” A teenage girl frantically shouted at us. It was the final minutes of a signing session, and we were all fed up.

I rolled my eyes as the questions rolled in.

“Are you truly gay, or is that just a rumour?”

“Why did you dye your head platinum?”

“What do you say about people labelling your band as emo?”

I completely ignored them, instead I chose to sign other posters, occasionally looking up to smile at the excited receiver.

Finally a bell rang from somewhere as the clock struck 8 o’clock, and I sighed with relief as the fans left, chattering about whose autograph they got.

I tiredly stood up, yawning and stretching my arms in the classic waking up posture.
Ray shook his wild afro as he too stood up, already itching to go to sleep.

Brian bustled over with cups of coffee.

We all declined politely, and left for our tour bus, leaving Brian standing there like a shocked fish.

We changed into PJ’s, then settled quickly into bed. As one, we closed our eyes.

“Where’s Bob?” I got up from the float floor, and casually made sure that everything was in place.

“I’m here.” A voice called from the back of the float, and a familiar blonde man hoisted himself back onto the float, carrying two drumsticks, and sporting a bruise on his right cheek.

Soon enough, everyone was up and ready to go. We all waited for Jacob to come.