Jacob Black dies...and he goes to the Black Parade!

The Bad News

I breathed in. I had woken up about an hour ago, and my doctor, a friend of Carslile, told me the news.
“I’m very sorry Mr Black, but we could not extract it. We tried our best.” Sad faces all around.
Bella clutched my hand, a single tear trickling down her expressionless face. Renesmee hadn’t come. Edward was ‘busy’. The Volturi are hunting me, something to do with Renesmee I betcha, and he probably put down another false trail for me.

He’s become a brother through the years, and I will miss him.

I breathed out.

Stupid werewolf skills. They could save me from getting killed by being crushed, they could ensure that I would survive a snowstorm, but they couldn’t protect me from a measly tumor in my brain.

I wanted to scream, to yell the anger and frustration that I felt at the world. Life was unfair.

Dad had died a couple of years ago. Bella had gone with Edward, not me.

But I didn’t.

I wanted to remain the proud werewolf that I was, until Death took me, in whatever shape or form.

Bella slid out a couple of cds out of her bag. I flicked through them:

Green Day- American Idiot
Fall Out Boy- Folie de Duex
My Chemical Romance- The Black Parade

My heart jumped with happiness as I saw that she had brought one of my favourite albums that I had the fortune to buy.

I threw the My Chemical Romance cd at her. She skilfully caught it in her slim fingers, and slipped it into a cd player which she had whipped out of her bag.

I sighed with content as the beep of the cd’s first track, The End, resounded throughout the room.

‘Now come one come all to this tragic affair’

I smiled, and everyone else left the room, leaving me to my music. I slept.
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lol he's a my chemical romance fan...
but he has to be, that's how this works out...