Jacob Black dies...and he goes to the Black Parade!

1 week later

Bella squeezed my hands so hard that it hurt. The entire werewolf clan and the Cullen family was gathered around my bed.
My heart beat on the detector had started to erratically jump up and down like spaz mexican jumping jellybean, and I felt myself losing grip on life. Ripples of pain bounced around in my head, and my body buckled instinctively in the reaction that my nerves sent to my diseased brain.

“Soon...” Carlisle whispered into Bella’s ear, and she began to cry, tears covering her perfect immortal face. A painful reminder of my failures in life.

Edward stood there with his cold hand on my hot, sweaty shoulder. I was wearing a hospital gown, quite like that dude in the My Chemical Romance video. The Patient. You could see a lot from behind if I stood up. The young nurse who had put it on hadn’t tied it on properly.

More teeth-shattering pain rocked my body, and I clenched and unclenched my fists, anxious in which not to cry out. A true person, to the end.

My heartbeat was going crazy, jumping up and down like Mikey Way on coffee, and sweat freely ran down my face.

My erratic heartbeats got faster and faster and faster.
Then suddenly.


Music began to play in the background.

'Now come one come all to this tragic affair. Wipe off that makeup what’s in is despair'

'So throw on a black dress, mix in with the lot, you might wake up and notice you’re someone you’re not'

I gaped with astonishment as ‘The End’, the first track on The Black Parade, was sung in my head.
I looked at the heart detector, and saw a flat line.

'If you look in the mirror don’t like what you see, you can find out first hand what it’s like to be me.
So piggies, gather around and kiss this goodbye-'

I just realised that my head wasn’t moving. Then how could I turn my head?
Then I felt myself being....Called somewhere. It was pulling me, but I resisted. A strange face appeared before me, and it took me a couple of seconds to figure out that it was my own.

I had changed. A lot. Hair falling out due to stress, pale skin from lack of sun. Damn. I looked like Edward now. I would have been mortified if the situation was different, but it didn’t seem to matter anymore.

I forced my...soul? to float above the scene rapidly developing beneath me. Bella shaking my body, screaming my name. Carlisle and Edward just standing there. My brothers howling with grief. Rosaline with a tiny smirk on her face, and the others just looking like they had constipation.

I floated down to Bella, and attempted to kiss her cheek, but my lips passed through her skin.

I was dead.

'And if your heart stopped beating, I’ll be here wondering did you get what you deserve? The ending of your life!'

I gave up, and I followed the Call.

‘Goodbye Bella’ I mouthed, then I disappeared.

Unknown to me, my body suddenly lolled in Bella’s arms, my eyes peacefully closed, hands loosened in never-ending sleep. And a smile on my face.
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he died of a brain tumour, and i died laughing at the fact he's dead!