Jacob Black dies...and he goes to the Black Parade!

The Other Side; The City of The Dead

We had picked our bodies up from the ground, where we had last left them. On top of the red and black float of the Black Parade. A skull decorated its front, and petals of red and black flowers were magically attached to every available surface besides the platform which we stood on, which was a dull gray. We began to sing the Black Parade for the dying person who was about to come.

‘And if you go to heaven, I’ll be here waiting, babe, did you get what you deserve? The ending of your life won’t wait, and you heart can’t take this. You heard the news that you’re dead? They didn’t really have that much to say, I think they never liked you anyway. You’re dead, straight from the hospital bed, wouldn’t it be grand to take a pistol by the hand, and wouldn’t it be great if we, were, DEAD!’

The figure on the ground in front of us groaned, and groggily got to his feet. He looked around at the bizarre settings of the nightmare he had landed in. A vast debris-scattered landscape, filled with ash, and dust, bleached of all colour and happiness. No wind. No sun. The skeletons of forgotten buildings in the background. A duplicate of the environment in the ‘Welcome to The Black Parade’ music video.

We finished the song Dead!, and were about to proceed to the next song; This Is How I Disappear, when the man in front of us, pounced, while, in the air as he leapt towards us, his hospital gown split, and fur sprouted everywhere. Teeth and whatnot came soon after. He had transformed into a...werewolf?

The thought just crossed my mind as he crashed into me, and his canine snout split open, revealing huge menacing fangs, which he quickly struck down with an-

I stuck out one finger in front of its murderous eyes, and said in a level voice

“We are the leaders of The Black Parade.”

The werewolf in front of us collapsed into a pile of quivering fur, paws cupped over his ears as if the words I had spoken were poisonous. The fur slowly started to disappear, and the teeth withdrew.

“Do not fight us, or we will kill you.” I said in a cold, forbidding voice. Luckily I still had my acting skills. Usually they don’t fight, they just follow our orders. A few do, like a husband from war, or a certain drummer from a band called Avenged Sevenfold. They were sent to heaven after all.

“Where am I?!” He screamed as soon as he had turned back into a vaguely humanoid shape. Ray threw him an outfit and a mask, which he quickly pulled on.

“What is your name?” I demanded, quite rudely in my opinion, completely ignoring his question.

“Ja-a-cob B-l-lack.” He stuttered. His eyes through the mask were anxiously searching around for any sign of normality in this crazy place he had landed in.

All five of our jaws dropped.

“You are THE Jacob Black? The dude from Twilight?” I asked in awe. I thought that he didn’t exist.
“That was the crappiest book I have read for about 6 years and movie I’ve watched in my life.” He snapped. We all drew back.

“Take a chill pill Jacob. Jeez.” I rolled my eyes.

Jacob smiled.

“And you are?...”
“Gerard Way. We are from a band called My Chemica-“

“-Romance” He gasped. Then hit himself on the head.

“I’m such an idiot. Why didn’t I recognize you guys? Stupid Jacob!”

I smirked. He certainly knew his stuff.

“You can read minds?”

“I wish. That’s Edward’s job.”

Our five jaws just dropped even lower. I think Frank suffered jaw dislocation.

“I think that I’m gonna faint.” Frank squeaked.

Mikey and Bob looked like they had just seen a ghost. How ironic!

Jacob smiled.

“See. I knew you guys had personalities hidden somewhere inside you.”

We all wanted to burst out into laughter.

We had just met the real dude that Taylor Lautner played.

He had just met his favourite band, which he wasn’t allowed to meet, because the Volturi stuck their perfect noses into werewolf business, and did not let them mix with humans because of ‘regulations’.

“Now, your living quarters are in there. You’ll find your name on one of the doors.” I pointed out these 3 desolate gray buildings with rooms that gave almost no privacy at all.. Jacob’s face fell, and I could almost feel his smile hit the dusty ground with a ‘thump!’

“This is one time where I miss the Cullen’s home.” He grumbled.

“Sorry. But it’s not our choice. It just is...”

Suddenly, I felt my mortal body waking up. That was quick!

“Go sleep, we’ll Call you.”

We woke up.