Status: complete. sequel to come.

Love in Theory and Practice: Chapters 1-13

Chapter 8: In the Arms of Rain II

I settle into the window seat while Mrs. Valo settles in beside me. Callie and Jason are across the isle. We are all well rested, relaxed and tanned.

Thanks to Ville we just spent 5 days on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean. We lounged by the pool, received a full work over in the spa, slept in staterooms, ate amazing food, and saw some beautiful destinations in both France and Spain. But the most fun of all was dancing in the clubs.

There was shopping on board so Jason bought me some skanky lingerie for the wedding night. We toasted the wedding, Ville, Mrs. Valo, the cruise, and after a while we were toasting the first thing that came to our minds.

Ville’s mother turned out to be a wonderful party companion. She drank and danced with the rest of us and never said a motherly word.

Apparently, Ville came up with the trip idea. Callie had approached him to see what he was planning but he told her it was already taken care of. So we had tickets and everything paid for before we even left New York City in May.

We’re flying out of Barcelona today and returning to Stockholm. We’ll just miss the boys who flew out of Helsinki yesterday for Bulgaria. I can only hope they have a good time since Ville sent me on one of the best holidays I’ve ever had.

Once the flight is off the ground, we begin comparing photos. There are some pretty horrendous shots but others are perfect. There are a few of Mrs. Valo and me that I intend to hang on the wall.

“So when do I have to start buying baby gifts?” Jason jokes.

“You have to buy me a wedding gift first, Jason.” I reply with a smirk.

“Are you planning on having babies soon?” Mrs. Valo asks and suddenly I feel entirely cornered.

“We’ve discussed it. We’ll start trying soon but we haven’t planned anything yet.” I reply. Everyone looks happy with that answer.

“Do you want boys or girls?” Jason asks with a devious grin.

“Boys.” I reply without hesitation.

“Oh, you want at least one girl.” Mrs. Valo says with a laugh. “All boys isn’t very much fun sometimes.”

“Okay, one girl.” I say with a smile. “I think Ville wants girls.”

“He does.” Callie says nonchalantly. I look at her, confused. “He told me. He wants girls that are like you.”

“Oh Christ. I can’t even imagine how horrible that would be. Can you imagine 2 like me?” I joke. “Even my own father has said that it’s rough when your daughter is just like your wife. They gang up on you.”

“Poor Ville.” Jason says through his snorts of laughter. “I would hate to live with you, let alone 2 of you.”

“If she was a combination of us, it’d be alright.” I say and Mrs. Valo agrees.

“Names?” Callie asks, sipping her diet Coke. She and I allowed some indulgences while on vacation and I only hope I still fit into my wedding dress. And seeing as how we’re not back in Stockholm yet, we’re still drinking sodas.

“No names yet.” I reply.

“Should probably wait a few months after finding out before thinking about names.” Callie says sadly and I frown. We share a silent moment while Jason and Mrs. Valo just look between us confused.

We’d never told Jason about the baby I’d lost earlier and I know Ville never told his family. The only people who know about it are Callie, Ville, the ER doctor, and myself.

When the conversation dies down, we all manage to get a few hours of sleep before landing in Stockholm.

We left my father’s car at the airport so we can get to the island without waiting for a ride or renting a car. When we get there, Pappa is still out getting Mr. Valo and Jesse. Isak, Kiira, Astrid and Bo are already there.

I introduce them to Ville’s mom and then get her settled in her room.

“This place is beautiful!” she says happily. “So many wonderful flowers.”

My father’s island is nearly entirely unkempt land that grows abundantly with wildflowers, berries, and tall grass. The landscape is only maintained around the cottages.

“I know. We’ll need to pick almost all of them for the wedding and for Midsummer.” I say with a contented sigh.

“Let’s get started then.” Anita says with a wide smile. We put our shoes back on and get Kiira, Callie and Jason before heading out to pick flowers. Pappa has already built the maypole so all it needs is to be covered with grass and flowers.

We end up touring the island rather than picking flowers. We dip our feet in the ocean and I get the windows open in my cottage to get some fresh air. I brought Wasa, my dog, along with us and he plays fetch in the water while Mrs. Valo and I sit on the rocks along the water.

About 2 hours later, Pappa arrives. I’m introduced to Jesse Valo for the first time and I’m surprised by just how different yet similar the Valo brothers are. We all end up on the back deck of my father’s place with lingonberry juice and snacks. We chat, discuss and go over what needs to be done for the wedding and Midsummer. My brothers along with Jesse agree to go find firewood for the bon fire. Mrs. Valo, Callie, Kiira and I begin making the baked goods while Pappa goes into town to get the other groceries we’ll need to feed 2 families and our friends.

I’m happy that my family gets along with Ville’s. We all have similar humor, values, and ideals. It’s a wonderful group.

More people will arrive tomorrow and the next day. It’s a wonderful feeling to have everyone getting together. I almost forget the reason, I’m just too happy with the gathering.

Tomorrow we’re going to start setting the maypole and most of the younger guests will be here so we’ll begin covering it in flowers.

As the air begins to cool but the sun continues to grace the skyline, we once again settle into the seating of the back patio of the main house. Everyone is happy, content, and excited for the next few days. There is a large pile of wood for the bonfire and the smell of baked goods from inside the house.

Ville will be flying into Stockholm tomorrow morning so I’m going to go pick him up.

We’ve been apart for a little over 2 weeks. We’ve both been busy with work and getting things ready for trips, vacations, and the months after the wedding. While Ville continues to do a few gigs here and there around Europe, he’ll still be promoting the album with interviews and appearances.

I’ll be in Helsinki working and overseeing the renovations on the house. We’ve decided to update, etc. Then after that, we’re going on vacation and I start teaching in late September.

He texts me a few times throughout the concert letting me know that they are enjoying the show and that they’re having a good time. I managed to get passes for them to be backstage and meet the bands.

I know they could have done it on their own but it’s much easier when you already have a pass.

I head to bed around 1:00am. Callie, Jason and I are staying in my cottage so we make our way there after saying our goodnights at the main house. We settle into the living room, sleepover style, and talk until the wee hours of the morning. We’re just too excited to sleep early.

When I roll onto my back to go to sleep, it suddenly hits me that in just a little over 24 hours, I’ll be getting ready to marry Ville in front of all our friends and family.

Even though we’re already legally married, I’m nervous to do it in front of everyone. Granted, he can’t say ‘no, I won’t,’ I’m still nervous.

I’m so ready to be his wife in name and openly.

After the wedding I’ll have to have my name changed legally. I’ll also have to add him to my bank accounts and bring him up to speed on the investments I’ve already been making for us. (Not with his money, of course, but with my own.)

I sleep a dreamless sleep and wake up at 9:00am to go pick up my man from the airport.
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If I don't get a few good comments, I won't post the wedding ;)