The Cause and Effect of Maddie

Maddie may just be one girl, but she’s a whirlwind of a girl. She unwillingly leaves a trail of destruction everywhere she goes. But what happens when she meets some similairily destructive people?
Theres her step sister Elise, who’s had to cope with Maddie’s ways all her life.
Elise’s brother Marcus, who lives in his own world.
Their oldest brother Jayden wants to skateboard proffesionally.
On the other hand theres Colleen, the quiet girl, who may not seem it but is very dangerous. Getting caught up in her world may just kill you.
Her best friend Roxana is a bubbly girl on the out side but on the inside she’s hurting badly. She sucks people in by accident and ends up hurting everyone in the process.
Caleb, Roxana’s ex boyfriend is caught up right in the middle of it all, still torn between hating and caring for her, and then he meets Maddie.
Throw them all together and its just like an Adams family re-union