Status: Will Try To Update Regularly

I'm So Tired Of Being Here

Get Me Out Of Here.

She could feel his hot breath on her neck. He held her arms against the wall, restraining her. As much as she struggled, he wouldn’t set her free. He let go of one arm, as his hand travelled up her thigh, under her dress. Kira tried to scream, but no sound could escape her throat, as she felt sick to her stomach. His hand moved up her dress, and round to the back. Reaching up to her bra, he unclasped it, and slid his hand to the front. He closed his eyes, his heavy breath still at her neck. Kira shook, as he violently unzipped her dress, and pulled it down. She tried with all her might to push him off, but the alcohol she’d consumed was working against her. It was no use trying, he was stronger than her. His hand slid into her pants, as his other hand started to explore the rest of her body. His lips touched her, and she gagged as he tried to kiss her. He pulled back slightly, a look of evil deep in his eyes.
“Don’t try and stop me!” He shouted, throwing a first towards her face. It hit her, and blood trickled from her lip. Kira winced in pain. His hands were just about to resume their positions as the sound of footsteps were heard outside the door.
“Kira!” A voice called out “You up here?”
Taking a deep breath, she called back “I…I’ll be out in a second!”
He looked at her, that look still present in his eye.
“Good choice of words” He growled at her, pulling himself back, and into the corner of the room. Kira grabbed her bra and dress, quickly dressing herself trying not to let the tears fall. She ran out into the hallway, running straight past Jemma, towards the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you like it. Please comment, let me know what you like, what you dont like, and what you would like to be included =]