Yes, I'd Fancy Your Company But You Know I'm Rubbish

Every End Has a Beginning

This sucked.
This still sucks.
This will suck for ever.
*Of course* he had to move away--more like it was his choice-- though.
I looked at the sky and it was getting darker. The sky turned from sunset colours to a light purple. I guessed it was time to go. I got up from the damp grass and grabbed my bag.
I decided that I didn’t feel like taking the bus today, nah, walking was healthier. Well, at least that’s what he’d say.

I let myself into the apartment and directly hit the bed.


“Umm, hey honey,” dad said while plopping himself next to me on the couch.

“Hi dad!” I said not taking my eyes off the t.v. I was watching House M.D., a very interesting show, by the way.

“Remember how I told you that I had met someone in London?”

My father was partly British so every now and then he’d go to London to visit his family, without me.

“Yeah dad, I remember. You said it was just a ‘summer fling’,” I said using air quotes, first of all, it happened in the middle of March, and second of all, ‘flings’ are for teenagers, not middle aged men, no offense.

“Well it ended up being more than just a fling, Emily,” he took a deep breath and dropped the bombshell, “I’m engaged.”

“You’re what?” I asked shutting the t.v. off. I eyed him suspiciously. He was lying; I could tell by the way he was not looking straight at me in the eyes.

“Ok, maybe...I might be a little bit married...” he said in a whisper.

“Dad! You can’t be a little bit married, IT’S EITHER YOU ARE OR YOU AREN’T!” I cried out loud.

“Hey Em, honey,” he began.

“Don’t call me Em, you jerk! I wasn’t even there on your wedding day,” I said getting up and looking out the window. My fists were tightly closed in a ball and I was ready to punch him. How could he?!

“Look, Clare doesn’t know about you, and...and I don’t want her to. Plus she’s pregnant and she wants to start a new family, so I’m moving there tomorrow.”

I looked at him incredulously. My father was ashamed of me. My own father! That was it! I got closer to him, as if I was going to hug him, and swung my fist right to his nose. I heard a cracking noise, but I was too pissed to care. I took the car and left.

*******************end of flashback***********************************

Because of my father’s selfish decision, I had to spend the whole summer working as a waitress in some crappy café where even nothing would be worth more than my pay. At least my maternal grandparents had left this small and cosy apartment in their will. I sighed as I got ready to start my shift. Since that day, I hadn’t spoken to him.

“Umm, hey, I’m new here,” some guy said.

He looked alright. God, I was too pissed and sad to even look at him properly.

When he noticed that I wasn’t going to answer him, he went on, “The manager said I should follow someone named Emily around for today so I understand how this shit hole works.” He looked at the pin attached to my shirt that said my name, “I guess that’s you”.

I was tempted to say "No shit," but instead I said, “Yeah, okay, follow me”. I didn’t care about him or the world, or life in general. Man, was I wrong. But at the time, I didn’t know that this guy would be the catalyst that would change my life completely.

When our shifts were over, I quickly contemplated on whether I should give him a ride or not. I decided that since I hadn’t spoken to him the whole time, why should I have started now? I headed out to my car and saw him standing there. He kind of looked lost, but too proud to admit it. Just like my dad. I sighed, and he noticed me. He quickly came over.

“Hey ma—dude! Umm, do you know where I’m supposed to get the bus number 7?” He asked nervously.

What the hell was he talking about?! There was no bus number 7 around here, it was on the other side of town....Then it hit me. He wanted a ride home! More like he needed one....

“Hey, how about I just give you a ride?” I proposed.

He looked delighted, “Really? That would be brill! I-I mean, great!”

I looked at him confused. Instead of questioning what he’d just said, I got into the car and shrugged it off. We drove for five minutes in silence before he spoke up.

“Are you not going to ask me my name? Or at least where I live?” He asked looking out the window. I was about to turn up the radio when he quickly added, “my name’s Cedric.”

“Good to know, Cedric,” I muttered. It’s not like I really cared about his name, “so, umm, where do you live exactly?”

“On Parker street,” he said casually.

I knew the place so I asked no more. I just drove silently until we reached the street.

He turned around and looked at me intently. He leaned into to me and said something that really blew me off.
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New story ^^ hope more people will like this one...
feel free to give me feedback(through comments)
Ciao ;)