Status: Completed!

The Rollercoaster Life

Calm Before The Storm

Time moves way too fast when you’re in love. It’s almost as Life is saying ‘Fuck you. Yeah, you found the most amazing girl in the world and for some reason she loves you back, but I’m going to make your recording process incredibly demanding and then separate the two of you. Sucker.’ Yeah? Well, fuck you Life. Because I got this shit all figured out.

It was true, recording this album was taking up every ounce of my energy that wasn’t being spent with Jency (and let me tell you – there was a lot of energy being spent, if you know what I mean). I was loving every minute of it, though, and I couldn’t be happier with the tracks we were producing. As Butch, Squire, Keith and the guys all constantly reminded me, however, there was still one song that needed to fill a gap. I just couldn’t think of anything that worked, though.

Anyway, the record was coming along just swimmingly, as was Jency’s but they were a week or so behind us as far as scheduling went. We (as in All Time Low), were also scheduled to track three songs in New York in one week. Meaning, that I only had one week left with Jency, before I was across the entire country.

Of, course, it wasn’t the worst situation in the world. I mean, I live in Baltimore and she lives in Philadelphia, so we’ll see each other all the time, but it just won’t be the same as being next door neighbors. There was a slight problem though, in that Rian was trying to convince me to buy a house in LA with him. I wanted to, and was completely sold on the idea before, but then Jency showed up on the scene and gave me more than enough reason to want to stay on the east coast. I would just have to Rian that the deal was off. Zack could move in with him, that kid loves California.

So, Jency and I would be on the East Coast together, at least for a little while. The, in June she’d be off on Warped Tour and I’d be going on Believers Never Die with Pete and the boys before flying to the other side of the world for Japan and Australia dates. It would be hard, but we could do it. Maybe if I pulled some strings, I could get The Rollercoaster Life a deal or two and get them on the Glamour Kills Tour in the winter. Hm...

“Let’s go do something.”

I looked over next to me, where Jency was laying on my bed, bed sheets loosely draped around her naked body, smiling up at the ceiling. Her eyes were glistening in excitement and she quickly rolled over to lay on top of me, pressing her lips to mine.

“Go do something?” I asked, kissing her back. “I can think of plenty to do right here.” I slid my hand down between her legs and immediately felt her gasp against my neck.

“Alex,” she whined playfully, pulling my hand away and smirking down at me. “We’ve been doing that all afternoon.”

“So?” I asked, completely scandalized.

She giggled before sliding off of the bed. “We can do that all night, I promise. It’s just, it’s a beautiful day and you’re leaving soon and I want go out and do something. I just have all this energy, I can’t explain it.”

I smiled at her enthusiasm. “Alright, well, if there is any chance of me getting out of the bed and not dragging you back here kicking and screaming, you better put some god damn clothes on, woman.”

Beaming, she bounded over to the duffel bags of clothes she now kept in my room, pulling out jeans, a tank and a cardigan. It was true, what she said. Ever since she found out about Holden’s planned proposal to Maggie, ever since we first had sex, ever since we said ‘I love you,’ her level of energy was boundless. She seemed genuinely happier, more outgoing, more confident in herself than I had witnessed before. She was always up for something fun, not turning down any opportunity to go go-karting, play beer pong, or just have a crazy dance party in the back yard. It suited her.

“I have an I idea,” she said as she shimmied into her tight jeans. I grabbed my boxers off the floor and pulled them on before getting out of bed and moving to the dresser.


“We should go to the beach,” she suggested, grinning. I looked outside. It was February, and even though we were in California it was still fairly chilly out. Not to mention the sun was sinking lower and lower in the sky.

“It’s going to be cold.”

“So?” She looked at me like I was crazy and I couldn’t help but smile. “Alex,” she said, coming over after shrugging into her cardigan. “You are leaving in five days. And Most of that time we’re both going to be in the studio. I want to spend as much time as I can with you, but I don’t really want to spend that time just lying around.” Jency wrapped her arms around my shoulders and I knew that saying ‘no’ to her at any point would near impossible.

“Alright,” I said, smiling. “Let’s go to the beach.”


I had been planning on heading down to one of the main beaches, maybe near the pier, where there would be more things to do and some nicer restaurants, but Jency had other plans. She directed us north, away from the city, for almost an hour, stopping only at a sketchy burger joint to grab dinner, before continuing on our way.

“This looks good,” Jency announced as the clock approached 6 o’clock and sun was inching its way toward the horizon.

“Do you have any idea where we are?” I asked, skeptically, but pulling the car over nonetheless.

“Nope.” Beaming, she hopped out of the car, before skipping off over the dunes and down to the beach.

“Jency!” I called after her, completely blown away by the sight in front of me. As she made it to the sand, Jency stopped abruptly, then proceeded to pull of her flats. The wing whipped through her hair and the orange and pink light from the sun lit up her skin in the most beautiful way.

“Come on!” she yelled back to me, kneeling to roll up her jeans. I kicked off my Dunks and did the same, laughing lightly as I watched her approach the water. Jency walked straight into the foamy surf, only resulting in a shriek as the cold water engulfed her feet.

“Fuck, it’s freezing!”

“Serves you right,” I remarked, coming up just behind her, not yet in the water. She skipped back out to the drier sand and stood next to me, shivering. “You can’t just run in there all willy-nilly,” I scolded. “You have to woo the water, let it know you care about it before just jumping in. Hello there, beautiful Pacific,” I cried, throwing my arms out and starting across the shimmering water. “I, Alex Gaskarth, plan on entering you shortly, and unlike this fool here, I will be kind, gentle, and hopefully you will be the same.”

Jency rolled her eyes before running forward again and kicking back a splash of water at me. And she was right, it was fucking cold.

“You think you are so funny, don’t you?” I growled, taking off after her. We sprinted through the surf, cold water splashing all over us. Jency was laughing too hard to really run all out, and my longer legs helped me reach her soon enough. I grabbed her around the waist and lifted her off the ground.

“Alex!” she squealed as I swung an arm under her knees, the other behind her shoulders and began to spin in circles. “I’m going to be sick!”

I laughed and stopped spinning, taking a second to regain my balance, before walking out of the surf and setting her down in the dry sand. Jency groaned and laid back, placing her hands on her stomach. “I should not have had that burger.”

I chuckled and sat down next to her, before leaning over and placing a kiss on her stomach.
“Feel better?”

“You’re lips are good, babe. But not that good.” I scoffed and crossed my arms.

“Fine,” I remarked. “I’ll just sit here and enjoy this gorgeous sunset all on my own then.”
She sat up and squinted into the disappearing sun, before jumping to her feet. “Shit, we’re running out of time.”

“Time for what? Jency? Jen...what the hell are you doing?” My eyes bulged out of my head as I watched her yank her shirt over her head and let it drop to the sand before going to work on her jeans.

“I’m going swimming,” she stated, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“Are you crazy?” I asked, as she stood there in her underwear and bra. “My feet are numb just from being in the surf and you want to go all the way in?”

“How many people can say they went swimming in the ocean in February in their underwear?” she asked before flashing me a grin and jogging off back to the water.

“Fucking hell,” I muttered with a disbelieving smirk, immediately unzipping my hoodie. This girl had me seriously whipped. I was cold just standing there in my boxers, but I trudged down to the water’s edge and next to Jency, who was looking out at the waves.

“Having second thoughts?” I asked, as she bit her lip nervously.

“I don’t normally do stuff like this,” she admitted, but I knew that already. “Maybe it isn’t such a good idea.”

Well, that was probably true. There was a good chance that someone would come down and see us, or that we would get sick from being in the freezing water. But, like she said, how many people could say they went swimming in the Pacific in the underwear in the middle of winter?

“So?” I asked, linking her hand with mine. “Seems like a brilliant idea to me.”

Jency smiled at me, and together we waded out into the surf.

“Oh. My. God.” She shrieked, teeth chattering as a small wave plowed into us, sending water splashing up our chests.

“I’m already regretting this decision,” I chuckled through the cold, yet forced my feet forward. We made it in to the middle till the water was at the middle of our torsos, still shivering, but quickly becoming numb to everything.

Jency had her arms wrapped around herself tightly, but surprised me when she suddenly ducked under, letting the ocean swallow her up. A moment later she resurfaced, sputtering and jumping, trying to get warm.

“I am such a fucking idiot!”

I laughed out loud and grabbed her, pulling her quivering body into mine and mentally trying to transfer what little body heat I had left over to her.

“Stop being so spontaneous,” I ordered, mockingly. I felt her giggle into my chest and kiss my skin lightly. Right away, I felt heat surge through my body. Maybe I did know away to keep us warm. I lifted her chin, and immediately attached my lips to her, both us of feeling instantly passionate and desirous for each other. She pressed herself into me, and I gripped my fingers into her back as I held her.

“Jen,” I moaned as her mouth attacked my neck, nibbling and kissing in all the right places. I ran my hand down her leg, under the water, and slowly brought it back up between her thighs.

She let out a gasp as I pushed my fingers past her underwear. “Alex,” she whispered in pleasure, before kissing me again. Our tongues danced together, and her hips bucked as I hit a sensitive spot, causing me to smile and hitch her legs around my waist. I held her there, the two of us standing in the freezing surf, making out and not having a care in the world.

I felt her hand slide down my stomach and into my boxers, sending shivers of pleasure, rather than of cold through my body. She grabbed me gently, but then froze and broke away from the kiss. Smirking, she look down and then back up at me, eyebrows raised.

“A bit less impressive than usual.”

“Oh come on!” I cried, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. “It’s fucking cold!”

She threw her head back and laughed before kissing me again. “Well, then maybe we should go back to your place and warm you up a bit.”

“That’s the best idea you’ve had all day,” I teased, brushing some of her wet hair out of her face. We got out of the water and put our clothes back on, before getting in the car and putting the heat on to full blast. It was comfortable, silent ride on the way home, Minus The Bear playing softly from the speakers.

“Thanks Alex,” Jency said, when we were about five minutes from home.

“For what?” I questioned, glancing over at her. She was wearing my sweatshirt now, her damp hair cascading down her shoulders.

“For...everything, I guess,” she responded, hesitantly. “I’m just, really, really happy and it’s because of you. I haven’t felt this good in a really long time. I haven’t felt this carefree, this enthusiastic about life. I love it. And I love you.”

“I love you too,” I replied, feeling my heart slam around in my chest. “And I’m happy I can make you happy. I would do anything for you, you know that right?”

She nodded, and content smile on her face. “Hey, who’s car is that?” she asked, as we pulled up outside the house. I looked at the white sedan, furrowing my brows in confusion.

“Looks like a rental. Maybe Matt has a friend over or something. Hey,” I said, turning off the ignition and preventing Jency from exiting. She turned back to me and I immediately pressed my lips to hers, forcing my tongue through her moisten lips and kissing her with as much passion as I could muster. She had to know that she was my world.

“What was that for?” She whispered, flushed and out of breath a few minutes later.

“You’re lips are still blue,” I responded with a playful smile. “I was trying to warm them up.”

She laughed and opened the car door. “Yeah well, let’s get inside and see if we can get Alex Junior to grow a little bit.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice,” I said, immediately getting out of the car. We walked up to the front door and I let her in. Jency walked ahead of me as I turned and locked the door behind me.

“Hey guys,” I heard her say in the kitchen as I turned to follow her.

“Jen,” Rian replied as I turned the corner. “Do you want to go see my new drum kit or something?” I could hear the panic in his voice and I looked up from the keys in my hand to see them – Jency, Rian, Zack and Jack – all standing there in a group. It was almost in slow motion as I looked across their faces. Jency looked innocently confused, while the three guys stared at me, wide eyed and panic-stricken.

“What’s up?” I asked, looking at them in bewilderment. The world slowed as they looked past me, eyes widening even more than they had been already, and instantly I knew that something was wrong.

“Lexy!” Very, very wrong.

I froze at the sound of that voice. My body felt colder than it had when I was standing in the ocean, and my throat constricted, making it impossible for any sound to come out. My eyes flickered over to Jency, who still looked confused, but also suspicious. I felt a pair of thin arms wrap themselves around my waist and knew that I had done what everyone warned me not to: I fucked up.
♠ ♠ ♠
oh shit. Alex is in trouble. Something he thought he left back in Baltimore has shown up unexpectantly....

much love to tq6776, ATLjonasMUSIC18, yourepretty, and adoration for the comments! You know they are always appreciated!

by the way, I posted my Tumblr and formspring on my profile if you're at all interested. They're both new, so nothing too exciting, but I figure you have to start somewhere, right?

I'm seeing three more chapters in the future for this story. Stay tuned!