Status: Completed!

The Rollercoaster Life

It Had To Be You

Sometimes, there are mornings where you wish you couldn’t remember what happened the night before. This was one of those mornings. I rolled over in bed and stared at the white ceiling, trying to believe we actually broke a door last night with a golf ball. And not just any door – her door. Jack was such an idiot, sometimes. I mean, I love the guy dearly, but really?? And now of course I had to go back over to apologize.

Apologizing in itself wasn’t a big deal, I mean, even she wasn’t overly concerned last night. She seemed like a cool girl. But that’s not the point. She’s Jency fucking Burke, a musical genius for Christ’s sake. Two Grammy nods before she can drive? That’s talent right there. And we broke her window. Fan-fucking-tastic.

I groaned and reluctantly rolled out of bed. I had to get it over with, so I might as well head over earlier rather than later. I took a quick shower and got dressed before heading downstairs. Jack was obviously still passed out from the night before and Zack was most likely out running, but Rian was sitting at the kitchen table, fiddling with his laptop and eating a bowl of FruitLoops.

“Hey man,” he greeted. “You’re up early. Guilty concience keeping you awake?” He grinned cheekily at me as I opened the fridge and grabbed some orange juice.

“You heard about it already?” I asked, surprised. “Shit, Keith’s gonna find out soon then, if he doesn’t know already.” Our manager would most likely not approve of Jack and I damaging other people’s property.

“Dude,” Rian replied, shutting his laptop and turning to face me as I chugged the juice straight from the carton. It was too early for a glass. Besides, I wasn’t even sure they had been unpacked yet. “I saw the whole thing go down from my bedroom window. We have a very attractive new neighbor, who you so impressively introduced yourself to. Very smooth man, very smooth.”

“Well, we weren’t actually introduced,” I grumbled.

“You broke her window and you didn’t even get her name?” He asked in disbelief. “Shit, you and Jack are losing it.”

“It was her door, and I already know her name, so there really wasn’t any need to pry it out of her at three in the morning.” Rian looked at me expectantly. Frowning, I decided it wasn’t worth keeping from him. “It’s Jency Burke.”

The Jency Burke?” he asked skeptically. “Like, the girl my sister was obsessed with at the beginning of high school?” I stared him down and he rolled his eyes in defeat after a moment. “Ok, the girl we were all obsessed with at the beginning of high school?”

“The very same.”

“Wow. You really fucked up then, didn’t you?”

“No shit, Sherlock.” I grabbed an apple and bit into it. I had to be doing something, anything to put off going over there. “I have to go apologize though. Offer to buy a new door or something.”

“Invite her for dinner,” Rian suggested, with a grin.

“Or, simply hand her a hundred bucks and then hide in my room hoping we never cross paths again.”

“She lives next door, dude. That’s going to be kind of difficult.”

“You’re no help, you know that?” Rian merely shrugged and stood up, going over to the sink.

“Better get over there soon though,” he said over his shoulder. “Before Jack wakes up. Cause you know he’ll want to go over with you.”

He was right. The last thing I wanted was for Jack to get over there and embarrass me any further. The guy was a terrible wingman – not that I intended on hitting on her, mind you – and if anything he just insulted girls more than attracted them. That’s why he’s in the band, really. Because now girls will flock to him no matter what he says.

Sighing, I headed out of the house, the California sun warming it to the 50s even though it was the middle of January. Walking up the front lawn of Jency’s house, I suddenly felt extremely nervous. What the hell was wrong with me? Was I getting star-struck? This was insane.

I took a deep breath before hitting the doorbell, and shoved my hands in my pockets to keep them from fidgeting. After a moment or two, the door swung open, revealing a guy around my age and height, with curly brown hair and a confused expression on his face. I felt the same way, not expecting anyone else to answer the door, and for some unknown reason, felt a sinking feeling in my stomach as I reckoned him to Jency’s boyfriend.

“Uh, hi,” I greeted awkwardly. “I live next door and - ” He walked away before I could finish. I stood there for a moment, staring through the open door into the house, completely bewildered. Who just leaves when someone is talking to them? Hesitantly, I took a step across the threshold and into the house, which looked similar to mine, both in set up and because of the numerous moving boxes still scattered around. Looking to my left, I found myself gazing into the living room area, where the guy who answered the door had now plopped himself on a couch. Sitting there, with her back to me, was Jency. She had a guitar in her lap and large headphones covering her ears. I could hear her humming as she strummed along to whatever she was listening to. The guy caught me staring, a nudged Jency with his foot. Her head shot up. He nodded over to me and she followed his gaze.
God, was I blushing? Fuck.

To my surprise, she smiled when she saw me, and took the headphones off.

“Hey,” she greeted, standing and coming over to me.

“Hey,” I replied, lamely. “Um, I was just coming over to apologize again about last night. And offer to pay for the door.”

“Really, Alex,” she said, with a shake of her head and a wider smile. “It’s not a big deal. I stared at her for a moment. She knew my name?

“You know who I am?” I asked hesitantly, and for a moment she seemed almost embarrassed.

“Of course.” She tucked a stray strand of brow hair behind her ear. “I love your band.”

“Wow, thanks.” Be cool, Alex. “And you, you’re amazing. Jency Burke, I mean, you’re so talented, like a genius, really.” She gave a short, strained laugh and right there I should have taken my cue to shut the hell up, but of course, my mouth doesn’t always listen to my brain. “I have both your albums actually.”

“Really?” She raised her eyebrows in surprise. “You’re not afraid to admit to that?”
“Hey, I mean, Pop isn’t exactly my thing, but you were good. I mean, really good. All my friends had crushes on you when we were in school. But then you kinda just fell off the face of the planet.” You stupid fuck.

She frowned. “Yeah, I guess falling off the face of the planet would be an apt way to describe it.”

Somewhere in my alcohol impaired brain, I knew it was time to make a swift exit, but for some reason, I couldn’t stop talking. At least I had the wherewithal to change the subject, however.

“So, did you just move here?” I asked, looking at the obvious clues around me.

“Yeah,” she replied, glancing around. “Um, I’m actually starting up and band, and we’re living here while we record.”

“No shit, we’re recording an album too,” I said, maybe with too much excitement, because she gave me an odd look.

“Cool.” There was an awkward pause. I hate awkward pauses...they are just so...awkward.

“Do you want to meet the guys?” she asked suddenly.


“Yeah, my band mates.” Feeling like the complete idiot that I am, I merely bit my lip and nodded. “Well, that’s Eric,” she said, pointing over her shoulder to the guy sitting on the couch. “Don’t take his silence personally,” she added, lowering her voice. “He doesn’t talk much to anyone, let alone strange guys who have vandalized our house.”

I was about to apologize again when she shot me a teasing smile. I followed her around the corner when I was hit was the smell of pancakes and suddenly my stomach started growling...just to make the most embarrassing encounter even worse. Standing at the island stove was a thin guy with short, spiky brown hair. Even I, as a confident straight man, would admit he was attractive. And that was before he even opened his mouth.

“Cheers, mate,” he greeted with an Irish accent, reaching out to shake my hand.

“Alex, this is Quinn, our drummer. Quinn, this is Alex, he lives next door.”

“Ah,” Quinn said, flipping a pancake and looking at me with suspicion. “Are you the one trying to sneak into wee Jency’s bed room, then?” In my peripheries I could see Jency roll her eyes, but I wasn’t exactly sure how to respond. Quinn, however, merely chuckled and tossed the pancake onto a plate already stacked full. “No worries, just don’t let Holden find out, yeah?”

“No, I’ll definitely be more discreet next time,” I replied with a smile. I liked this guy.

“Good lad. Now, brunch will be ready soon so feel free to stay.” I thanked him and turned back to Jency, who had grabbed a handful of blueberries from the counter and was popping them in her mouth.

“I think Holden is in the office, talking with his girlfriend, but we can interrupt him, it’s not a problem. Besides, he’ll probably want to meet you.” I thought I picked up something in the tone of her voice that suggested she wasn’t this Holden’s biggest fan.

Coming to the office, she pushed open the door, revealing a professional looking desk and a blond haired guy, probably a few years older than me, sitting behind it.

“Hey Holden, I want to introduce you to some one.”

“Jency, not now. I’m trying to get these merchandise billings done.”

“Don’t we hire someone to do that?” she asked in exasperation.

“Well, yeah, but they’ll just fuck it up.” Yep, guy was a douche.

“Right, well, Holden, this is Alex. Alex, my brother Holden.”

“Sup, man,” I tried greeting, but Jency’s brother merely continued to stare at the papers and figure in front of him.

“Sorry about that,” she said, as we left the office and closed the door behind her. “He’s just a bit of an uptight ass.”

I shrugged. “How’s your hand?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Oh, it’s fine,” she replied, holding up her palm for me to see it. There was just a band-aid covering the cut, but it was clearly nothing major.

“I’m glad. And again, I’m sorry about the window. Jack sometimes gets a little rowdy when he’s been drinking.”

“Don’t we all?” she laughed, as she walked me back out to the front door. Quinn had offered that I stay for breakfast, but either she forgot, or she wanted me out. I wasn’t going to push my luck.

“Hey, Jency,” I said, as I made it to the front door. Ok, maybe I was going to push my luck. “If
you aren’t busy tonight, um, we’re having a barbecue over at our place. You guys can all come, if you want.”

She gave me a genuine smile. “Yeah, maybe we’ll stop by. Thanks, Alex.”

Going back over to my house, I couldn’t help but feel proud of myself. I had successfully succeeded in not seeming like a total idiot in front of Jency Burke, and I had even invited her out. Well, over, I guess. And not just her, but her entire band. But, whatever. It was progress. As soon as I stepped through the door, I was met with the stares of three pairs of eyes.

“So,” Rian asked with a wicked grin. “How’d it go with Jency Burke?”

“Wait, you went over without me?” Jack asked, slightly disappointed. I chose to ignore him. Zack just sat there, looking bewildered and left out.

“It went well, I guess,” I replied nonchalantly. “She’s not upset about the window, and she’s actually living there with her band mates. She’s recording a record.”

“And...” Rian pushed.

“And,” I said with a small smile. “I invited her to our barbecue tonight.”

Rian’s jaw fell slightly, and Jack grinned at me.

“We’re not having a barbecue tonight,” Zack pointed out.

“We are now,” I responded quickly. Tonight was going to be epic. “Break out the hot dogs boys. Jency Burke is coming over.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, I am going to be switching between Alex's and Jency's POV. It should alternate every other chapter, but if there is ever time when it doesn't I'll let you know, to be sure.

Comments are always appreciated!

Title Song - Motion City Soundtrack
Jency and Alex -
