Status: Completed!

The Rollercoaster Life

His Girl Friday

God, what is wrong with me? I’m such a loser, it’s embarrassing. I wasn’t able to get off my ass and go back over to the party because I was too freaked out by what Maggie said. Which was nothing that I didn’t already know. I found Alex Gaskarth to be extremely attractive and he was being very friendly to me. But ‘friendly’ doesn’t mean anything and I had no right to think that he meant anymore than that. And I didn’t want anything anyway! Ok, so I had no idea what I wanted. Yes, it would be amazing to have something like Maggie and Holden have, but at the same time...

When you love someone, you give them the power to hurt you. And I’ve loved and lost too many people to just go about all willy-nilly and dive head first into relationships. Not that Alex was looking for a relationship...I don’t think. Urgh. I hated boys and I hated the way that attractive ones gave me butterflies and made me feel so good about myself.

I laid in bed for a few more minutes, staring at the ceiling and clutching Edmund to my side. Still reeling from embarrassment of the previous night (I still couldn’t believe I pulled the ‘cramps’ card with Holden), I trudged into the bathroom, planning on drowning my sorrows in a bubble bath and a good mix of music. Music is the only thing that is constant, steady, always reliable. Music will never leave me. Music will never break my heart, as music can only heal. It’s just a shame that the people who write the music aren’t like that.

Something Corporate, Jack’s Mannequin, Midtown, Blink-182, Queen, Journey, The Beatles (of course!) and Billy Joel poured through the iHome speakers as I soaked in the tub, letting the tension ease from my body. Smiling, I reached out of the bath and grabbed the pen and notepad sitting on the floor. I always got my best ideas in the bathtub – weird, I know. Oliver had stopped by the day before and dropped off our recording schedule, which was starting in one day. I was stoked, and as I scribbled down some possible lyrics for a new song, I realized that this was all really happening. Holy shit.

I emerged from my room around noon and immediately headed to the kitchen to help my growling stomach.

“Good morning, sunshine,” Quinn greeted perkily from his place at the breakfast bar. I don’t know how he manages to not be hung over every single day. “Want some marmite?”

I grimaced. Marmite, the British version of Vegemite, was grotesque. Quinn smirked and took another spoonful from the jar and put it in his mouth.

“Where’s Eric?” I questioned, pulling yoghurt from the fridge and hopping onto the counter.

“He went out with Holden to look for some new guitars,” he replied. “Apparently one was damaged when we came out here.”

“That sucks.” I looked at the counter as my blackberry vibrated its way across the top.

“Well, aren’t you little Miss Popular?” Quinn smirked, hopping down from his stool and putting the Marmite back in the cabinet. “I’m going to hit the beaches this can come if you want.” He looked at me, with a face that was begging me to say no.

“Go get some girls, Quinn,” I laughed, rolling my eyes.

“You’re a delight, Jence,” he said, kissing me on the forehead. “And no boys over while I’m out!” he called over his shoulder playfully, as he headed to the front door. I flipped him off before picking up my phone and looking at the screen.

*New Text Message*

Pete Wentz: Hey boo. Feel like grabbing some lunch today?

Me: How could I say no to you, Petey? Tell me when/where and I’ll come.

Pete Wentz: That’s what she said. BOOM.

Me: Nice.

Pete Wentz: 1 o’clock. Valencia Café on 3rd and Wiltshire. It’s right near your studio so we can stop by afterward and check it out if you want.

Me: Sounds like plan. See you then, Snookums.

Pete Wentz: God, I love it when you use pet names. Xx

Smiling, I shoved my phone into my pocket, grabbed some money from my wallet and left a note for Holden on the counter. Lunch with Pete was just what I needed to get my mind off Alex for a bit.

I made it the restaurant a bit early, but grabbed myself a table outside, seeing as the sun was out. I ordered a Caesar salad and glanced around. It was a nice day out, and there were lots of people buzzing around, seeing as it was a nice shopping street. I was a bit nervous that perhaps someone would recognize us, but people there seemed to be used to mingling with celebrities and I barely got more than a second glance.

I did however nearly choke on a piece of lettuce when I saw Pete sauntering up to me, Alex Gaskarth in tow. Alex looked just as surprised to see me, yet Pete looked somewhat proud of himself.

“Hey Jency,” he said, flashing his brilliant smile at me. “I hope you don’t mind I brought my friend along. This is Alex.”

“Hey Alex,” I said with a small smile.

“Hey,” he replied, pulling out a chair and sitting across the round table from me. Pete sat in between us, glancing back and forth. “Feeling better?”

I was confused for a moment, but then remembered by incredibly lame excuse to Holden for peacing out of the party. Alex clearly knew it was a load of bullshit, and I shot him an apologetic smile.

“Yes, a bit.”

“Oh, do you two know each other?” Pete asked, not looking surprised at all.

“We’re neighbors,” Alex responded, not taking his eyes off of me.

“Imagine that. What a strange coincidence.” Alex and I both stared at the Fall Out Boy bassist, wondering just what he was up to, but didn’t say anything else. The waitress came and took their orders and we got down to talking business.

“So, Jency,” Pete began, wiping some ketchup from his burger off his chin, “you know We The Kings, right?”

“Of course,” I replied, leaning back in my chair and stretching my legs. My foot collided with Alex’s shin and I saw him give a miniscule wince of pain. I shot him a guilty look and pulled my feet quickly. But I saw that mischievous smirk grow on his face, and then felt a hard tap on the side my leg. Asshole.

“What do you think?”

“Huh?” I turned back to Pete, feeling like an idiot.

“What do you think?” He repeated slowly, like I was a three year old.

“About what?” I asked dumbly. Pete smiled and rolled his eyes.

“About doing a duet with Travis Clark. He’s really interested and asked me to see if you’d be up to it.”

“Oh, yeah, of course,” I replied happily. I loved duets. “Just let me know when and where and I’ll be there.”

“Fantastic,” Pete said, standing up. “I’m gonna go take a leak, so if you guys could finish your game of footsie for when I get back, that’d be great.”

I had just shot a kick at Alex, but he had somehow managed to capture my leg in between his feet and was holding it hostage. Immediately blushing, I watched Pete’s retreating figure, unable to look Alex in the eyes. He released my leg and chuckled to himself.

“Oh, Alex!” A high pitched female voice said, interrupting any plans I had of striking up a casual conversation (of which there were none, but still). Alex’s head jerked over at the sound of this voice and a look of disgust passed over his face. A shadow fell over the table and I looked up to see a woman with bleached blonde hair and an even faker smile. “How are you darling?” She asked with an exaggerated English accent.

“Never better,” he muttered, looking back down at the table.

“And, oh my.” She said, looking over to me for the first time. “Is it really Jency Burke?”

“Um, the last time I checked,” I replied awkwardly, looking at Alex and wishing he would clue me in.

“Jence, this is Alicia Durham,” Alex said, seeing my pleas for information. “She writes for TeenRock Magazine.”

Immediately, I knew why he wasn’t happy. TeenRock Magazine was a trashy version of TeenPeople, but featured only bands. It also liked to make up ridiculous rumors as well as publish give its readers enough clues into their favorite artist’s personal life as to allow them to actually find their private homes and hotel rooms. I knew that at the moment, Pete and Ashlee were suing the magazine for sending photogs to snap pictures of newborn Bronx, by having them climb the guard walls of their home and use telephoto lenses through the windows. And Alicia Durham, a name infamous in the music industry, was one of the mag’s leading leeches.

“Nice to meet you,” she grinned maniacally down at me. Now, it had always been my policy to play nice with the media. Usually, if you gave them what they wanted they would leave you alone when you asked, but I got the feeling it wasn’t going to be that way with Miss Durham.

“So, she said, plopping down in Pete’s chair. Alex and I glanced at each other in nervous shock. Pete despised this woman. “How long have you two been together? Alex, I never really saw you as one to date ditzy popstars.”

I stared at her, unable to believe the unprofessionalism of this woman, but then I saw the batting eyelashes and pouty lips. She was actually trying to flirt with him.

“We’re not together,” I clarified, and she immediately smiled at me.

“But even if we were together, she isn’t a ditzy popstar,” Alex added, venom in his voice. He gave me a small smile and continued. “She’s actually extremely talented and is starting a band with Decaydence.”

“Oh, how nice!” Alicia squealed, immediately turning her back to him and facing me full on. “Now, I didn’t know about this, so you must have kept it pretty under wraps, you sneaky girl. So, when can we get an interview and Jency Burke and...”

“Uh, the Rollercoaster Life?”

“Jency Burke and The Rollercoaster Life. Bit long of a name, dearie, maybe you should rethink that.” She had pulled out a date book and was scribbling in it furiously.

“Um, no, it’s just The Rollercoaster Life.”

“Will next week work, Friday at four perhaps?”

I looked over at Alex, a deer caught in the headlights. “Oh, well, I need to look at our recording schedule.”

“Right of course,” she replied cheerfully. “Well, here’s my card, have your people get in touch with mine, okay sweetie?”

Just at that moment, thank God, Pete made his reappearance. “Alicia,” he greeted, a steely iciness to his voice.

“Peter,” she grinned, standing up and moving closer to me. “How good to see you! I was just getting caught up with Alex here and learning that Jency has a band. Why did you tell me?”

“If you don’t mind, we’re trying to have a business lunch here,” Pete replied, his voice steady. Now, Pete doesn’t get angry easily, but even I was nervous and I wasn’t the one his furious glare was on. Clearly, Alicia wasn’t as dumb as she seemed, because she backed off.

“Of course, Dearie. Alright, Jency you be sure to get in touch with me,” She said, beginning to walk away. “Kisses!”

She turned the corner away from the restaurant. The three of us looked at each other, before all simultaneously squeaking, “Kisses!” Pete smiled again and took his seat back, as I immediately proceeded to tear the business card she had handed me into a hundred little pieces.

“God, I hate that woman,” Alex said, taking a sip of his soda.

“Join the club,” Pete grumbled. “Fuck it, forget about her. Let’s talk about happier things. Jence, what do you want for your birthday?”

Alex looked up at me was a smile. “It’s your birthday soon?”

“On Friday,” I admitted.

“Only five more days til your legal. How sweet,” Pete said, rubbing my head affectionately. I swatted his hand away with a laugh. “My little girl is all grown up.”

“Oh please,” I rolled my eyes.

“Do you have any big plans?” Alex asked. I shook my head.

“Nope, I’m thinking of going low key on this one.”

Alex nodded but Pete scoffed. “Yeah, right. I’m throwing you a rager. Dinner with everyone and then Thirst for drinks and dancing. You can’t say no. Saporta is spinning that night and got us the prime VIP room.”

I grinned. As much as I didn’t want to make a fuss about my birthday, I was pretty stoked that Pete had gone out of his way to organize something like this.

“And the Cobras will be there?” I asked, excitedly.

“All of them. And of course you guys, me and Ash and Patrick may even make an appearance if he has time.”

I beamed at him.

“And, All Time Low can come too,” Pete said, turning to Alex, who was sitting there awkwardly. Suddenly, I felt bad.

“Yeah, you guys should definitely come,” I said eagerly.

Alex smiled back at me and I felt some butterflies in my stomach. “We’d love to.” What the hell was I getting myself into? I smiled back, feeing my cheeks redden. Somehow, I knew. I knew that by the time Friday rolled around, I would be unable to resist his smile. And it scared the hell out of me.
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Come on guys...10 subscribers and only one comment? I want to know what you think. I've already been losing motivation to write in some chapters, and your comments will only help and make me write them faster.


Title Song - The Academy Is...