Status: Completed!

The Rollercoaster Life

Between You and I

Jency was definitely enjoying herself. I hadn’t known she was on such tight terms with the guys (and gal) of Cobra Starship, but she greeted them all as old friends, and was equally close with Ashlee and Patrick, both of whom were able to come to dinner, although not out to the club. She was definitely keeping close with her friend Maggie though – it was clear to see those girls meant the world to each other, something similar to the relationship I had with Jack. He was annoying and retarded sometimes, but I don’t know what I would do without him.

Angelino’s was an old, family run Italian place, apparently one of Jency’s favorites for their cannelloni, and we had our own private backroom for our large group. Jency got the head of the table, flanked on one side by Maggie and Holden, and on the other by Pete and Gabe.
I took a seat between Ryland and Ashlee, a bit bummed to not be closer to Jency, but understanding she wanted to be with her closer friends on her birthday. I couldn’t help but smile as she beamed in excitement as she was carded when she ordered wine for the table and was able to produce a legitimate ID. She also tore threw her presents, looking like a little kid on Christmas, something that made her all the more attractive to me. Pete caught me staring and frowned, before muttering something. Jency must have heard him because her head whipped around and she looked at him, a puzzled expression on her face. Pete flashed a bright smile before pushing his chair out and walking down the long table to me.

“Get your ass out of my seat, Gaskarth,” he grinned. “I want to sit next to my woman.” Ashlee rolled her eyes and I stared at him in disbelief. Was he really doing this? I stood and went over to the seat he vacated, right next to Jency. She was staring down the table at Pete, brows furrowed in concentration. I smiled at her as I sit down, but she barely looked at me.
She sat back suddenly and took a large gulp of her newly arrived wine.

“Did you know Pete is trying to set us up?” She asked, turning to me. “He just said, before getting up, ‘do I have to do all the work in this relationship?’ And then he stood up and switched seats with you.”

“Uh...” I probably sounded like an idiot, but while I knew that Pete was up to something, I had no idea he was trying to get Jency and I together. I would have to thank him later. I shrugged nonchalantly. “Are you really surprised? I mean, it’s Pete.”

“True,” she said, sitting back in her seat and playing with her napkin. “I guess not. It just kind of makes things awkward, though, doesn’t it?”

Yeah, it did. “No, not really.” I want to be with you, although I am too intimidated to admit it. “I mean, it’s not like we really want to get with each other.” I was trying to judge her response, and based on the reaction I received, I probably hadn’t said the smartest thing. She looked stunned for a moment, but as quickly as the emotion came, she looked away, fidgeting even more with her silverware. She took another swig of wine before responding.

“Right. Exactly. We’re just friends.” Sometimes, I really should just stick my foot in my mouth. I wanted to tell her, desperately, that we didn’t have to be ‘just friends’ if she didn’t want to be. I mean, we barely knew each other, but there was definitely something there. We shouldn’t just ignore it.

Luckily, before I could even make a bigger ass of myself, my phone buzzed to life in my pocket. Usually, I would ignore it, as Jack, Rian and Zack were here and really, there was no one else besides Matt who I would answer for. But, this time I made an exception, mostly to give myself time to compose myself.

I excused myself from the table, ignoring the scolding look Rian was giving me and the saddened face on Jency. Luckily for me, Jack started up his dinosaur impression from his spot between Victoria and Holden, resulting in a smile creeping back onto her face. I took this chance to duck away, out into the main restaurant and back toward the bathrooms. The call was from our manager, Keith, and I clicked onto the line.

“Sup, Keith?”

“Alex,” he said, all business, all the time. “I just got a call from a rep from Walt Disney Pictures.” I was immediately intrigued. “They want you guys to contribute a song to a companion album for an upcoming movie.”

“You’re joking.”

“Just hear me out man,” he said with a chuckle. “It’s a remake of Alice in Wonderland – and is being directed by Tim Burton.”

“Sold,” I replied quickly. Burton was a fucking genius. Nightmare Before Christmas was the best movie ever, hands down. “I’ll start brainstorming.”

“Where are you right now?” Keith asked. “It’s really loud. Are you having another party at the house? I told you that the neighbors are going to call the cops if you - ”

“Chill, man,” I smirked. “I’m at a restaurant in LA for Jency Burke’s birthday. All of us are. We’re heading out afterward.”

“Jency Burke, huh? And why have I not heard of this before?”

“I don’t have to run every part of my life by you, Keith,” I replied, somewhat annoyed. “Besides, we’re just friends.”

“Yeah, even over the phone you’re a terrible liar. Just don’t do anything stupid like break her heart or something.”

“I’m hanging up now,” I grumbled. I loved Keith, I really did, but sometimes...damn.

“Start brainstorming!” he managed to yell before I hung up on him. I shoved my phone back into my pocket, brows furrowed. I looked back toward the private room, and through the door could see Jency laughing at something Suarez was saying. It brought a smile to my face, seeing her happy. Fuck, I really was in over my head. I didn’t get like this. This was not Alex Gaskarth. Alex Gaskarth does not swoon and fall for girls. Girls fall for Alex Gaskarth. Shit, now I’m referring to myself in the third-person.

Turning on my heel, I headed into the bathroom, needing to splash some cold water on my face. I just wanted to clear my head. I had to be cool if this night was going to be a good one. I wasn’t going to make an ass out of myself as I was prone to do. Unlike all those easy fan girls, Jency Burke was not going to be cool with douche bag moves and an arrogant asshole.

I looked up as the bathroom door opened behind me, and gave a nod of greeting as Gabe entered.

“Sup, man,” he said, going over to the urinal. “Haven’t seen you in a while, how’s it hanging?”

Now, it may seem awkward, but really, for two guys to have a conversation while one is peeing is completely normal. So, I had no problem in leaning back on the counter and chatting it up with Gabe.

“Life’s good man, how about you? I hear you’re spinning tonight.”

“Hell yeah,” he responded, zipping up and coming over to the sink to wash his hands. “Jency has this like, fucking four page long list of songs she wants to hear. Backstreet Boys and shit. God, why do girls like stuff like that?”

“You guys seem pretty close,” I said, inching into inquisitive mode. “Have you known her long?”

“Ah man, Jency’s my girl. We’ve known her since Viva La Cobra.”

“How?” I asked, utterly confused.

“She was going to co-produce it with Stump.”

“Oh, cool. Wait, WHAT?”

Gabe smirked and copied my position, leaning against the counter as he pulled the sleeves of his hoodie back down.

“Little known fact, but yeah. Jency Burke was going to co-produce Viva La Cobra.”

“She must have only been - ”

“Not even seventeen yet, man. But you can’t deny it, the girl’s a fucking genius.”

“But she didn’t actually work with you, did she?” I asked, still confused.

He shook his head, frowning slightly. “No, she backed out just before pre-production. Her dad, you know.”

I nodded, and stared at the floor in concentration. Losing a family member was like losing apart of your self, no one knew that better than me. My heart ached for her, knowing what she had gone through. I felt Gabe’s eyes on me, and I knew what was coming before he even opened his mouth.

“You have a thing for her don’t you?” he asked seriously.

“That obvious?” I asked with a slight smile. I couldn’t deny it anymore, there was no point.

“She’s a bit out of my league though.”

“Jency’s a fucking star, that’s for sure. But don’t put yourself down man, she definitely seems into you, and I’ve only seen you together for less than an hour. I’ll tell you right now though,” he said, stepping in front of me, his 6’1 frame towering over me. “The girl may seem tough, but she can break hella easy. Don’t give me a reason to kick your scrawny ass.”

Why was everyone telling me not to mess it up? There was nothing to mess up. Well, at least not yet. He slapped me on the shoulder and headed for the bathroom door.

“Saporta,” I said, making him turn just before leaving. “What don’t I know that I should? If I go for her, which, I have to admit it’s getting harder and harder not to, I have to know what I’m getting myself into.”

“Fucking Christ, we’re like middle school girls gossiping in the bathroom,” he groaned, but the let the door close behind him and came back over to me. Sighing, he crossed his arms. “I probably shouldn’t be telling you this shit, but I love you and I love her. Jency has major trust issues, man. Like, is terrified of losing people close to her. Her mom walked out on them when she was ten, her dad died when she was sixteen, and her prick of a boyfriend was actually selling personal details of their relationship to gossip magazines. It’s not hard to see why she can’t open herself up to people too easily.”

I nodded, letting it all sink in.

“I think you could be good for her, dude,” Gabe said honestly. “Just don’t fuck it up.” There it was again. Did they really have no confidence in me?

The bathroom door slammed open and Pete sauntered in, giving us a suspicious look. “Is there something I should know guys?”

“Go fuck yourself,” Gabe laughed, adjusting his hat and nodding a goodbye to me, before ducking out of the bathroom. Pete just stood there, watching me expectantly.

“Are you really trying to hook me and Jency up?” I asked.

Pete smirked. “Do you mind?”

I thought for a moment of what Gabe had said, about how fragile Jency was, how much I risked if I screwed it all up. But then I saw her smile, her bright eyes, and heard her laugh. Jency was turning 21, it was a new year for her. I was going to make sure it was a year to remember. I smiled. “Not at all, Pete. Not at all.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, short chapter, but we learn a bit more about Jency's past in it. The next few chapters are some of my favorites and are almost completely finished already, but I need some comments before I update... :) feel free to post constructive criticism or suggestions!

lots of love to you all.

Title Song - Every Avenue
