A Little Thing Called Rape

The Cab

3 Weeks have gone by since I raped Ellie and me and Phil were bored one day when he pulled up in his new ride, a 2004 taxi cab.

"Ha ha, oh my God Phil."

"Don't laugh man it runs that's all I care."

"Hey I got an idea."

"What would the be John?"

"OK the lights on this cab work?"

"Everything works man its only a '04'"

"OK, here it is man, we build a dungeon shackles and fuck tables all of it in your garage no one would look there for kidnapped girls"

"I get it we cab them there... what if they jump out?"

"I used to be a cop I'll just rig the door to only be able to open from the outside."

"Dude let me drive you home and I'll fix the car up you take some of the shackles I keep in my car and build a fuck table."

"Take good care of my car man."

I get Phil the shackles, then, I drive Phil home where Danny is waiting for us. I tell Danny our plan and they both get down to work on building the fuck table. I drive the cab home and test the lights, they all work. I get the car to my garage and start working on the back door handles. I imagine all the sex me and the guys would get out of this scheme the problem the more girls the more the risk of getting caught. *snap* The door handle unhooks on the inside from the latch my end of the job is done. I call Phil the shackles are attached to the wall, and the fuck table is built. I can hear Danny in the back he's as excited as hell. Danny is the youngest of us hes only 16 and hes still a virgin so hes looking forward to being involved his first rape me and Phil have done this many times before this new chain.

Well I guess its time I introduce myself, My names Johnny Wiedl, and my good 2 friends Phil Johnson and Danny Rasinski. I'm about 6'1'', black hair to just below my eyelashes, I never wear anything but black and my black trench coat. I play guitar when I'm not busy. Phil was the one who invented our time release key holders so by the time the girls get free we're long gone. I got my rape start by my first girlfriend, she got all flirty with me one night and wouldn't gave in so I forced her into a bathroom stall and fucked her and stole her virginity.

I get in the cab and talk to the guys for a few minutes and start searching for a hot chick, I drive down town and see a girl that looks perfect, blonde, skinny, no muscle tone, dressed in pink. I stop the cab.

"Need a ride?"


"Get in."

She gets in the car and tells me go to the hair dresser, which is near Phil's house. I drive then all of a sudden turn on to the road leading to Phil's

"Where are we going?"

"To my friends house to rape you."


"Who says I'm kidding"

She doesn't belive me until we pull up to his garage and she begins to scream and she yanks on the door handle.

"It's useless it only opens from the outside"

I open the door and she tried to run but I grabbed her arm and put her hands behind her back and push her forward to the door of the garage, with her tripping on her high heels the whole way.

"Stop Please!"

I slap her then shackle her to the wall of the garage, Phil and Danny are no where to be seen.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I like scared women"

"Please let me go!"

I slap her hard across the face, then she spit on me. This is her first mistake, I take out my garrote and begin to choke her, she tries to scream but cant all I hear is a small muffled gargle, she turns blue and I let go, she gasps for breath.

"Going to shut up now?"


I take out my knife and play with it near her neck, she begins to tremble as she feels the cold steal against her neck. I slide the knife threw her little blouse and it falls off showing a small red lacy bra

"Who do you think you are?"

"Your worst nightmare."

I unbutton her jeans button and they fall to the floor showing a matching thong, I grab the thong with one finger and snap it off.

"Fuck that cost me 10 bucks."

"Shut up!"

I run the cold steal around her chest then slit her little bra. I grope her body and bite her neck.

"Please stop!!"

I unshackle her and throw her to the fuck table and lock her in the spread eagle position the locks are arranged in.

"You fucker stop right now!"

I slap her so hard tears instantly fall from her eyes to the cold steal table. I get on top of her, she looks at me like a rabbit pinned by a vicious coyote, she cries and cries but it will be of no use. I feel her pussy and clit, I rub her clit till she becomes moist and I finger her quickly and rub her clit and she lets out a little moan, I keep going and she begins to shake.

"Your beginning to like this aren't you cunt?"

She cries out loud with a mix of moans. I shove my dick in her already wet pussy.

"Please don't do this!"

I fuck her hard and she instantly begins to moan. She must be a extra sensitive. I decide to take it slow and beads of sweat bead on her forehead. I speed up and she moans out loud.

"Liking this bitch, ain't ya?"

I feel my orgasm coming so I fuck harder then I ever have before. She cries out in pleasure as I cum deep inside her. I pull out my garrote and choke her. She begins to shake and choke and turns blue, she passes out.

I drag her back to the cab and drive her naked body to a small alley and leave her body and drive away. I get back to the house and Phil and Danny show me the video from the hidden cam. We sat the night drinking and watching movies.