Status: Finished

I Hate You


I couldn’t believe what I had just seen, John, the love of my life in the arms of another woman. He hadn’t seen me, so I paced back and forward in my living room. Elizabeth had warned me about him, but I didn’t listen. I didn’t think that he could to anything like that to me. The nights we sat home together watching movies, having a laugh. We seemed so perfect together.

I should have known that something was up. That was why we never went out together. He was married. I was just his bit on the side.

He had rang me and told me he’ll be home a little later than normal because of work. More like he can’t get away from his wife.

“I love you…” he told me over the phone. I didn’t want to break it off until I was ready, till he was here, so I could tell him how much I hated him.

“Yeah… you too.” then I hung up the phone and started pacing again. I sat down and just looked at the pictures of me and him. Tears ran down my face and then i through the pictures at the wall.

It had been hours before John had walked through the door.

“I’m back…” he shouted over to me. I got up and walked over to him, he took off his coat.

“I trusted you…” I kept my voice calm as I could.

He looked at him the placed hit coat on the coat rack. “What are you talking about?” he then kissed me on the cheek and headed into the living room.

“Don’t act all innocent.” I walked after him

“What’s got you panties in a twist?” he stopped and grabbed my waist, pulling my small body towards him. Bending his head down to mine and I turned my head away from his, his lips pressed against my cheek then pulled away. “What’s wrong?” I didn’t say anything. He moved away from me then I looked at him. “Why don’t you get your hand out your fucking ass, then we can talk.” he yelled at me then sat down on the couch.

I walked over to John and hit him across the head. “Don’t fucking talk to me like that… I’m not a peace of shit on the bottom of your shoe.” I yelled. I wasn’t having it, him talking to me like I’m nothing.

“Ow…” rushing his hand to his head. “What the fuck…? I never spoke to you like that. If your fucking going to act like this, I’m out of here.” he got up, and headed to the front door.

“Yeah… go on, run back to your fucking bitch… oh, I mean that clueless wife.” he turned to look at me.

“What wife? I don’t have a wife.” he yelled at me.

I grabbed the clock that stood on the table and through it at him. “Liar…” the clock hit the wall next to John.

“Don’t fucking start with me…” he walked out the door. I ran after him and stood and the end of the garden.

“Ass-whole, don’t fucking come back you two-time, ass. I fucking hate you.” I yelled again and watched him leave.
♠ ♠ ♠
I will put up the next chapter tomorrow.

Comment please
