Love You Never

I am an alien, I won't lie. My planet is dead and we came to live among the humans. But they were not welcoming, so we drove them to The Origin, the continent known as Africa. Our leaders, The Great Ones, reside now in Buckingham Palace in England. We planned to let the humans live in Africa undisturbed, but an attack on the city of Rome proved the humans hostile.

That's where I come in. I, along with Tamari, Marc, Kiara and Henri, are Warriors. We exponge hostile human settlements. This particular case involved the settlement of New America on the eastern coast of The Origin. The adults were to be destroyed, the children sent to New Canada. But a young boy named Caleb and his elder sister Teri changed everything quickly.

In a blur of events jumbled in my mind, I found Teri dead and myself on a boat headed to a far off continent I doubt even exists.

But in the end it is all worth it.