Reunited Sisters, An Aranged Marriage


(Lilia's pov)

After the doctors looked at me and ran a few test. I was put into a room by myself, but it was big enough to fit two beds. Demetrius had told me that this was a hospital for vampires and humans, but the humans didn't know about that.

While I was having tests done Demetrius was nice enough to go and buy me a big red t-shirt and soft comertable pa-jama pants. I was thankful that i didn't have to wear a hospital gown. I was also still wearing my crescent moon necklace.

Right now Demetrius and I were in my hospital room. I was sitting up in the hospital bed with an I.V in my arm, while he sat in a chair beside my bed close to the window. The doctors also put me on a heart monitor, but said it was only for precaution.

"So what do you think of this whole marriage thing?" I asked breaking the silence in the all to quiet room.

He looked up at me in slight shock, but then sighed thinking about how to answer my question. "I would do anything for my people. But I would rather not marry anyone at all."

"So you would rather be alone for all eternity? Haven't you ever thought about love and receiving love from another?" I asked almost in a whisper.

"No not really. I'm rich why would I share?" He asked coldly, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest.

"But money cant buy happiness. If you get one thing that you have been wanting then you'll eventually get tired with it and either through it away, or keep it and forget about it." I explained then the silence took over the room again as we just stared at each other. Searching for something in the others eyes.

After a few minutes a doctor knocked on the door then came in with a confused and apologetic look.

"Sorry to interrupt my prince, but the test results have come back." Did I mention that the doctor was a vampire? Well he is. "It seems that you have an abnormal case of asthma. We have also found small traces of vampire and werewolf DNA. Do you have any idea were this could have come from?" He asked looking back and forth between Demetrius and I.

I could tell what he was implying by the question but blew that part off and asked something else. "Would it be possible that my family members in the past has a connection to this?" I asked thinking about the vampire queen and that it is somehow in our family tree.

The doctor was in thought for a short minute, but then looked up at me. "Yeah it is possible. But for that to happen they would have to be pure bloods not just an ordinary changed vampire or werewolf. They would have to be born that way. But until we completely figure it out I will get you a perspiration for an inhaler and your going to have to stay here for a couple of days just for precaution and so we can monitor your breathing. Other then that you should be fine. Just call if you have any questions." He explained with a light smile then walked out of the room.

I turned my attion back to Demetrius who was now deep in thought. But then soon came out of it with curiosity in his eyes.

"So you might as well tell me about yourself. That way we can at least get along." He explained almost passively.

"Well I was born 6 weeks to early. so I had to stay in the hospital for a while after I was born. That's why my biologic parents didnt keep me because of the extra work. Even though they use the excuse 'we were to young to be parents at the time'. A year latter they had Ash and kept her by trying to fill a gap." I said quietly looking down at my hands.

"So wait." Demetrius said breaking the short silence. "That other couple that walked in with you was your adopted parents?" He asked a little shock.

I simply nodded. "Yup......So what about you?"

He was hesitant at first and was having a mental battle with himself. He then sighed as if manteling preparing himself. "My mom died when I was born. Since she was human and I was coming into the world as a half vampire. My father tried to save her but it was either me or her. And so ever since then he blames me for her death, but it's actually his fault because he didn't have the strength to save us both."
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