Reunited Sisters, An Aranged Marriage

Ash's pov

Ash’s POV:

I awoke to my head feeling like it had been beaten by bricks. I groaned opening my eyes. I saw that Shiloh, Aden, Demetrius and Lilia were all staring at me.

“What?” I asked feeling awkward and confused. They all continued to look at me funny and it was defiantly uncomfortable to say the least. Then I noticed a cute little doggie at the end of the bed. “Aww...” I smiled and picked it up.

“Ash do you remember anything?” asked Aden looking relived and amused. I thought for a second. I remembered waking up in the hospital and then... oh.

“Uhh...yha. Remind me to never take morphine again,” I said, then I remembered the whole passing out again thing. “Why did I pass out the second time?”

“Well,” explained Shiloh, “Your body had a very...strong reaction to the morphine. To the point where I think you should stay away from energy drinks, drugs, lots of coffee, and anything else with excessive amounts of sugar, caffeine... just anything that will mess with your state of mind”

“Oh so it was just a crash?” I asked her. I’ve dealt with crashes before just the last couple times it was because of half a dozen red bulls and maple syrup. Passed out right in the middle of the park too... don’t ask.

“Well yes.” said Shiloh. The puppy- I mean Alexa, wiggled in my hands reminding me she was still there. She started licking me again and I started petting her head. I smiled down at the puppy and kissed her on the forehead.

“So if the house was burned down where are we going to go now?” I asked Lilia.

“We’re going to stay close to my parents, and we’re going to go to school at my old school,” she didn’t sound very comfortable with the idea. I frowned.

“Lilia if you don’t want us to go to your old school then you can say so and I’m sure we’ll find other arrangements.” I didn’t like the thought of Lilia being uncomfortable especially since she said she’s never really talked to anyone at the school and to go back when she just left...

She thought for a moment and then smiled, “No, I think I can handle it.” I smiled a little then remembered Lilia was here because of what I thought was an asthma attack.

“Lilia what happened to you at the house?”

“Just some wired asthma thing,” She said vaguely, deliberately not looking at me and petting Alexa who was still in my hands.

“Yha, ok,” I said sarcastically. I didn’t really want to push it but I didn’t like being uninformed either. Almost as if sensing the awkwardness Shiloh stood up and started talking.

“Well I’m going to leave. Just call if you need anything,” With that she walked out of the room. I looked at Aden and remembered something from the fire at the house. The husky that saved me from killing Lilia had the same eyes as he had. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Aden? What happens when werewolves change? Does it need, like, the full moon or what?” I asked.

He shifted in his seat obviously a bit uncomfortable with the topic but I had to know if the dog at the house was him or not. “Well a when a werewolf changes it doesn’t have anything to do with the moon. A full moon makes us stronger but that’s it. When we change it’s because of an intense emotion, pain, fear, anger, anything like that will do. If you have enough practice you can change without the emotions but it’s hard. Oh, and we look like wolves or dogs when we change not those wired dog human things that you see in the movies,”

I was impressed that he told me all this but that didn’t stop me from realizing that it confirmed my theory. “So it was you that landed on top of me right?”

He looked away from me and did a sort of cough thing but after a moment he answered. “Yha that was me. Sorry ‘bout that but you were about to get your sister killed,”

“No it’s fine. Thanks,” I said. Without realizing it I’d been pulled into watching Aden’s eyes as emotions passed through them. His eyes were a pale blue and it was almost liked they glowed on their own account, like a light shining from the inside out.

Demetrius cleared his throat as Lilia stood up and pulled him up with her. “We’ll go back to our room now. Is it ok if we take Alexa with us?” The puppy was running around trying to catch her tail on the bed and I smiled.

“Sure,” I told her. Lilia scooped up Alexa and left the room, still pulling Demetrius by his wrist. Once they were out the door I started to unhook myself from the machines I was hooked up too. “Well I need something to wear besides this horrible hospital gown and I’m going to get bored really easy in this place so I’m going. Are you coming Aden?” It really didn’t matter if he came or not but it would be nice to shop with someone else for once.

“Ash. You’re supposed to stay in the hospital and get better,” Aden told me sternly. He wasn’t really looking at me so I glanced down at myself and realized on top of wearing a hospital gown thing, I was wearing a backless hospital gown thing. When I saw that my cheeks turned bright red.

“Umm Aden? Do you have a sweater or something I could possibly borrow?” I looked at the bed next to mine and saw that, thankfully, the boy wasn’t in it. I sat back down on the bed and waited to see if Aden would let me borrow a sweater.

“I don’t have one,” Told me, finally looking at me then doing a sweep of the room. “But it seems your roommate does,” I followed his gaze to a huge sweatshirt lying on a chair by the other bed. I opened my mouth to say something when the boy from before walked in. He smiled and waved at us. And you know what? He wasn’t wearing a stupid hospital gown! He was wearing jeans and a red American eagal t-shirt.

“Hey,” I said, “What’s your name?”

“Josh,” he said smirking cockily(not that way u perverts!), “You?”

“Aden and Ash. Hey I’m going to the store and they put me in a stupid backless gown can I borrow your sweater?”

He raised an eyebrow at me and I thought I saw what looked like triumph flash through his eyes but it was gone before I could be shore. Josh walked over to the bed, grabbed his sweater and through it at me. “Knock yourself out,” With that he flunked down on his bed and started reading a book.

“Thank you,” I quickly put it on and zipped it up, happy to see it came down past my knees. I walked quickly to the window and opened it looking around to see if anyone was there. Thankfully there was only the occasional car that went by so if we jumped out the window no one would really see us. It was a one story drop to the ground and I sat on the window ledge just before I sort of half turned around to ask Aden if he was coming.

To my surprise he was right behind me. “Well I can’t let you go alone can I?” asked Aden. I grinned at him.

“I guess you can’t,” and with that I dropped from the ledge with Aden landing close beside me.
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i need atleast one comment for the next chapter to be out as soon as possable...thank u and the reason it took so long was because a lot of crap was happing...