Reunited Sisters, An Aranged Marriage


(Lilia's pov)

"Let her go." I said sternly since they each had a hold of Ash's arms, while she just went limp in their grasp. I knew Ash might have really hurt them but she was upset and they had no right to easdrop on our conversation.

They slowly let her go while still watching her for any sudden movements. I went over to Ash and gave her a hug, willing her to calm down and give everyone a chance. I’d meant what I’d said before about not everyone being like Timmy. And I was going to prove to her that I was right.

Demetrius and Aden were still there just looking at us and I could tell they were amazed at how Ash didn’t try to rip my head off. That amused me more than it would other people. I let Ash go and looked into her eyes. She looked like a cross between a wounded bird and a deer that knew it was going to be run over but accepted the fact it was going to die.

I smiled at her trying to lighten the mood. I got an idea. “Who wants to watch the Lion King?” I asked excitedly. Demetrius looked at me wired and I don’t think Ash heard anything I was saying but Aden’s face lit up.

“I want to! Let’s go!” he said almost as excitedly as I did. I think I was going to like Aden. We all started exploring the house trying to find a room with a DVD player and a TV. I was pulling Ash around the house to help me look when I heard Aden yell that he’d found it.

We walked to the dark green walled room that the boys were in. There was a giant plasma screen TV and a PS1, PS2, PS3, Wii, and x-box 360. There was also an ancient VHS player and a massive stereo system. I wasn’t much of a gamer so I wasn’t really the type to go crazy but I liked this room none the less.

Demetrius was sprawled on the couch while Aden put in the movie. I dragged Ash over to the couch with me and pushed Demetrius’s feet off so we could sit down. Aden turned off the light’s as I plopped down on the couch, making Ash follow. Aden came and sat between myself and Demetrius.

We watched the movie in silence and once it was over I realized I was hungry. “I’m going to get something to eat,” I told them getting up and heading for the door.

“I’ll go feed then,” mumbled Ash walking up behind me, through the door and outside. I sighed, “Demetrius, go make sure she doesn’t kill herself please,” He looked at me like I’d grown an extra head. “Please?” I repeated. He sighed and nodded, going out after Ash.

I walked to the kitchen, Aden close behind. “What do you want?” I asked him. I could cook, it really wasn’t hard if you fallow the recipe and actually pay attention to what you were doing.

“I’ll eat anything,” he replied grinning. I couldn’t help but smile back at him, his happiness was infectious. He sat down at the table and I got to work.


Man that boy could eat! I think I’ve made seven batches of pancakes so far and he’s still eating! But it was nice to talk while we ate and get to know more about each other. Apparently Aden’s parents had ruled the Werewolf kingdom but had died when he was really young. He was also 94 years old which was a huge surprise he looked maybe 16 at the most.

After we talked some more we ended up playing cards in the living room with some music on. Aden was pretty cool and I could tell we were going to be friends.