This Business of Revenge.

Chapter Six.

Once home, I stripped out of the unbearably tight clothes I had jammed on my body the night before and swiftly threw on a loose t-shirt and tracksuit pants.

I spared a few seconds to flick on the television, picking up the phone as I put down the remote.

Quickly I typed in the numbers Elise had given me a couple of days prior.

“Wha-? Uhm…Hello?” Came the reply after about half a dozen trilling rings of the phone.
“Cam?” Of course it was him.
“Uh, yeah. Who is this?”
“It’s Halo.”
“Oh.” At the mention of my name Cam immediately seemed uninterested, as if he would hang up any second.
I waited for a few seconds to see if he was going to say anything else.


“I, uh, need to talk to you.” I murmured. I awaited Cameron’s reply…nothing.
“Cam? You still there?”
“Yeah. Talk.” He seemed less tense now, but there was still a bit of impatience in his voice.
“No, I…I can’t. Uh. Can we meet up today to talk?” I continued to act shy and insecure.
“Oh…um. Sure. Where? What time?”
“In an hour? The café down on Monroe Street?” I paused before each answer –which sounded more like questions– so it didn’t sound like I had planned out every word before I had even got home; which of course I had.
After a few rugged, sleep induced breaths on Cam’s end of the line, he finally answered.
“Mmm, sure ‘lo.” He murmured. I found myself scrunching up my nose as he crudely abbreviated my name to the last two letters.
“Thanks Cam.”
“Sure. See you then.” He closed the conversation abruptly, dropping the receiver down and leaving me listening to the ever peaceful sound of constant beeping. God, why couldn’t they make it a more appealing noise?
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Again, sorry I take ages between posts. Also sorry that I've made you wait this long and it's such a short chapter. However I should be posting the next one soon, maybe even later today if I get the time. But don't hold your breath. I'm sure you won't.