Status: FeedBack Is Always Nice People!


Chapter 25

I waited for more. Anything more. There was silence, broken only by the humming of the lights. I curled up into a ball on the floor, my eyes half closing. My head was pounding and the lights felt like they were stabbing into my eyes.

I draped an arm over my face, hiding from the lights and the drone of the florescent lights. Then the intercom clicked. I sat up, my face full of hope.

<Your friends are safe.> The voice said. I burst into relieved tears. <You don't need to worry.>

"Great!" I called out. "What do you do with me now?" There was a long pause.

<We keep you.> I frowned. This seemed wrong.

"What, you aren't going to kill me..."

<Of course not.>

And suddenly I knew.

"They aren't safe, are they." I accused, my voice shaking. "You're lying to me."

<Of course not.>

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" I screamed, throwing myself against the mirror. The tears had changed from happy to furious. "YOU FUCKERS ARE LYING TO ME!"

<Calm yourself.> A harshness crept into the digitalized voice.

"Show me proof." I whispered. There was no answer. "Show me that their okay."

<Just trust us.> the voice pleaded.

"Yeah." I snorted. "I'll do that. As soon as you give me some proof." The intercom clicked off. I screamed, slamming my fists against the mirror.

"SHOW ME!" My knuckles split, spraying little smears of blood around the mirror. There was no answer. I slid down the wall, wiping my face with my hands, leaving little stripes of blood under my eyes.

I knew it. My friends were still here. Whoever was doing this was playing with me. They still wanted something from me. I leaned against the wall, whimpering. The pain from my hands finally blossomed across my knuckles.

"Who are you?" I whispered, my voice cracked and hoarse.

There was no answer.