I Am Still Painting Flowers for You

Wonder, Why Do We Race?

*March Hare's P.o.v.*
Tea. Tea tea tea. Why couldn't Alice hurry up? Where was she? Where's Nivens? Why, everyone was gone. Why were they gone? It was just me and Tarrant. Tarrant and I. Me and Tarrant just doesn't sound right. Oh well, it's right enough. "TARRANT I WANT MY TEA!" I yelled at him. There was no tea here. I couldn't find any. Had Absolem gone mad? Well, he seemed pretty angry at me.
"Hush March, you mustn't talk. I'll go find some tea. You stay here." He answered in a whisper. Why mustn't I talk?
"Hatter! Why are you whispering? Are you gonna get me my tea?!" There was no point in whispering, that mad man!
"Because March, if anyone here's us we'll be sent away! And yes, I will get us both tea, and we will have a party!"
"Sent away to where?" Why would we be sent away? All he was doing was talking me. Was it so wrong for a hatter to talk to his fellow hare?
"Because, the people here are different than us! They don't talk to animals for some strange reason." He muttered. What strange people. I thought. "Yes, I know, very strange." Hatter stated. I must have been thinking out loud again. I needed tea.
"Well, Tarrant are you gonna go get the tea now?" I had to know. I mean, this was tea we're talking about.
"Yes, yes of course. I'll leave now. Don't open the door for anyone, and don't talk to anyone. Understood?" All these dumb rules, I guess I had to follow.
"Yes,yes. Now, off you go!" I waved him off. I NEEDED MY TEA NOW! He sighed and walked out the door. A silence settled in the room. I hated silence. I hopped off and found a big black box with glass in front, and buttons. I wonder what this is...
*Hatter's P.o.v.*
Poor silly hare.He won't be able to say a word to anyone. He's probably going mad. Well, madder than he already is. That must be impossible though. Sometimes I believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast. Her voice ran through my head, and I sighed. Nothing is impossible stupid man, Alice taught you so. I scolded myself. I walked into a random teashop I found.
"Hello, how may I help you?" A voice came up behind me. Who was this?
"I want tea." I stated and turned around. It was a tall, black haired man who seemed to be in his twenties. Maybe.
"Well, sir, what kind of tea?" Why did he ask so many questions?
"Good tea."
"Well, what kind do you prefer? I can't help you if you don't tell me." Than why would he ask?
"Than why would you ask to help me? If you're gonna help someone, you help someone. You don't ask questions, you just help. If someone's head was about to be executed, and you go to help them, you don't ask them why they're there. You help them. If you were to ask how they got there, by the time they went to open their mouth their head would already be rolling beneath your feet!" I exclaimed moving my arms around. He just stared at me frightened, why so frightened?
"Why would anyone cut off another's head?" He questioned. Didn't we go over this!?
"There you go with the questions again! Just find me some tea!" This man was starting to outrage me. He didn't say anything, but turned around and found me some tea.
"Just take it and leave sir! Don't even worry about paying, just leave!" Well, what an angry man. I thought, spun on my heel and left the store. I soon arrived at the hat shop. Oh dear, what noise there was going on inside. Wait... Hare was inside. Crap! I ran inside and everything was fine. But the noise was still coming from somewhere. I walked into the other room to find it a mess! There was a box with a talking man trapped inside. And a lady too!
"March, what in the Red Queen's name are you doing?!"I shouted, how could he have made such a trouble in a matter of... what were they called? Oh! Minutes I think!
"IT'S A TALKING BOX! WITH BUTTONS!" He shouted. How curious! It had buttons too! I walked up to it and started fiddling with the buttons, until suddenly all was quiet! I looked up and it was black! I broke it! "You broke it!" Shouted hare. Well obviously! "Get me my tea!" He exclaimed suddenly. Ahhh yes! The tea! I walked over to where I had set down the tea, and March started making some. After quite a while, and by now me and March finished our tea, there was a ring, and someone was at the door! How curious, it rings when you walk in!
*Alice's p.o.v.*
I wandered off to the hat shop, it was quite a long walk there. I saw a blue butterfly soaring over head, and giggled.
"Oh Absolem, it has been a while now, hasn't it?" I asked the butterfly, who surely couldn't speak so it looked like I was talking to myself. People gave me strange looks as I walked down the streets, Absolem now resting on my shoulder. "How has Hatter been? And March? Is everyone okay in Underland?" I questioned the blue creature, and giggled once again remembering he couldn't answer me. After a good five minutes of mindless chatter, I stumbled upon the Hat Shop in China. It was a dainty little shop, but the man inside looked neither Chinese, or from around here. He had wild red hair and green eyes with a huge top hat. Oh, how familiar that hat looked. Stunned for a moment, I stood in place, but remembered it couldn't be my Hatter. Why, of course not, he was still in Wonderland! Stupid girl. I told myself, took a deep breath and stepped inside the shop.
"Why hello miss! I'm the Hatter here in these parts." He stated with a scottish accent. "We've been waiting for you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Three point of views in one chapter! Awesome! :D So, it's currently 1AM but I kind of promised my cousin I would pop in one more chapter before bed,so here it is! This chapter is to Lys!
Oh, and if you're a tokio hotel fan, you should totally read her story Ich Schrei In Die Nacht Fur Dich! Ohkay, I think I've done enough damage, comments would be nice :D<3