School, Eye-liner and Music

Fights and heroics.

Lexia's POV

I heard yelling, it sounded like Daniel's voice. He kept repeating Aiden's name over and over again. I dropped my bag and started to run down the hallway.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. Aiden winced as I hugged her. I backed away. Daniel tried to grab my wrist but I slipped out of his grip.

"Who did it?" I asked her grabbing a tissue out of my pocket I kept there incase I got into a fight and started bleeding.

"C-chris and T-t-terry." Aiden spluttered out dabbing the tissue on her mouth.

"They're dead meat right about now." I said starting to storm off in their direction.

"Lexia, don't, I'm okay, just direct me to the nurses office." Aiden replied. Daniel ran up behind me and grabbed my wrist.

"It's not worth it Lexi, there's always tomorrow." He said rubbing my back. I slowly calmed down and grabbed Aiden's hand. I took her to the nurses office as Daniel grabbed my bag and followed behind us.

"She has to stay here for the rest of the day, school policy." Said the nurse making Aiden rinse her mouth out.

"Okay, Aiden, I'm gonna come get you at the end of the day." I said to her, rubbing her back. Aiden nodded as I smiled at her and walked out of the office.

I started to walk back and try and enjoy the rest of the lunch break. I walked into the lunch hall and it was silent. Lara came up to me.

"Is she okay?"


I walked and sat down at the table Aiden was sitting at before and put my head on the table. Daniel put his arm around me, I felt a jolt of tingles fly through me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"She'll be okay, I promise."

"Yeah, well, I just ... I want to be her friend ... Despite differences."

"Yeah, I get you. There's this girl I want to be more than friends with, I doubt it will ever happen." When he said that my heart sank into my stomach and I felt sick all of a sudden.

"Oh, okay then."

I was about to keep talking when the bell sounded. I stood up and slung my bag over my shoulders.

"See ya later .. I guess, thanks for helping Aiden too." I said to Daniel, smiling.

"No worries, hey, can I um ... Get your err ... Number?" Daniel asked me giving me his phone.

I tapped in my number and saved it. I handed his phone back and saw him smile. Almost blush.

"Did you just....?" I began to ask as Daniel stood up.

"Yeah?" He asked me smiling.

"Um, nevermind." I answered, I felt myself go red inthe face.

"Okay, see ya later Lexia." He said hugging me tightly and walking off in the opposite direction. I headed to my class and waited out the front.

"Lexie's got a boooooyfriiiiend." I heard Lanie say nudging me.

"Haha, maybe." I said, thinking and hoping it would be true one day.

I couldn't let myself fall this fast. It'd be to stupid.