School, Eye-liner and Music

Monday nights and Tuesday mornings.

Aiden's POV

I laid there on my bed, watching the seconds tic by on my alarm clock.

Tic, tic, tic...

And then suddenly my pocket start's vibrating. I got a text message.

"Yeah, someone love's me" I say to myself. In case the teddies in my room care.


Hey Aidey. I've missed you. School's been crap since you left, everyone is so fucking annoying. I might be moving to where you live. Cant wait! How are you?

xox Sheik

I giggled to her message. She is so cool. I replied telling her to go on msn. I Jumped up off my bed and headed down the hall to mum's room.

"Yes!" I yelled to myself. No one was on the computer, I jumped on and signed into my account and a box popped up.

Freaky Sheiky says: Hey Aidddey!

Fading Aiden says: Hey darl'

Freaky Sheiky says: How are you doing giiirl?

Fading Aiden says: Not to bad. Jet finally came out the closet, been waiting ages for that. And I made a couple friend's their all damned punks here Sheik, it sucks.

Fading Aiden says: 'Bout you, how's it going?

Freaky Sheiky says: Yay Jet came out! And sweet, friend's are good. But gosh, you hate punks! I'm good, I miss you tonne's I'm coming to the city to see my uncle tomorrow! Was going to keep it a surprise but I don't know where you live.

Fading Aiden says: I know I hate punk's but wicked I missed you soooo much. I have to go put my Jordie to bed. Night, text me to tomorrow. Love you!

Freaky Sheiky says: Aww, kay bye! Love you!

Freaky sheiky signed out.

"Aww I miss Sheik.. I wonder if she ever found out I had a crush on her." I said to myself.

I got out of the computer chair, and ran up the hallway to the lounge room.

"Jordie let's get ready for bed mate. And you two, make sure you ready for bed in 15 minutes okay?" I told, Jorden, Jet and Erin.

Jorden got up of the couch, ran over to me, grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bathroom. He ran into his room and grabbed his pj's. I ran the bath and he got in.
I sat on a stool next to the bath, he couldn't shower alone, even though he's ten. He has a few issues.

"So Jordie boy how was your day?" I asked

"Gooood. Was gooood. How was yooours sisterrr?" He replied while making two airplane toys bang into each other.

"It was good little bro."


"Yes Jordster?"

"Why are your eye's purple?"

"Cause I had drama at school today and our play is about a girl that gets beat up for kissing other girls"

"Oooh sounds coool!"


I was sitting in class listening to my history teacher drone on and on about some war that probably only ever happened in his mind. When my pocket started vibrating.


Get out of class meet me at the grade 11 bathroom's at your school in 10 minutes.

xox Sheik.

I raised an eyebrow, what a strange girl.
I pulled a sheet of paper of my notebook, and forged a note from my mum saying I had to leave early. I was good at doing her writing and her signature. I got out of my chair and headed to the front of the class, Lexia wasn't in class today. She had been kicked out of history for the rest of the semester, so no one will follow me down to the bathrooms. I handed my note to the teacher.

"I see Miss Cartington. Gather your thing's and you can go. Make sure you sign out at the office." Mr Draper said, handing me back the note. I ran to my desk, threw my stuff in my bag and ran out the room.

"I really need to find out where things are at this school" I said to myself, I ran to a map of the school that was on the hallway wall. "Oh lucky. The year 11 bathroom's are on this floor."

I ran down to the end of the hall. There was a door at the end saying 'Year 11 common area' I ran in, and saw a female toilet door sign.
I entered the room, I couldn't see anyone.

"Hel--" I started but I was pulled into a stall. "What the fuck?"
I turned around to see a girl, with short blond hair, who was dressed like me.

"Oh my god. Sheik!" I yelled. She covered my mouth with her hand and pulled me into a hug.

"I missed you girl." She said as we separated.

"I missed you to."

We smiled at each other. Sheik opened her mouth to say something but I stopped her as I started to talk.

"Let's go somewhere else?"

I grabbed her wrist and ran out of the school.