School, Eye-liner and Music

Kicked out.

Lexia's POV

The siren went for next class. We had history, except, I'd been kicked out of the class for the rest of this semester. I walked to the front office and told them what was going on. I was given a pink slip with my name, year and another class to go too.

It was a year 12 class. I walked to the room it said on the sheet and knocked on the door. The sliding door opened as I stood back so I wasn't smacked in the face by anything. I gave the teacher my slip as she guided me into the class room.

"To the back corner at that desk." She said pointing to a lonely desk in the corner of the class room. I sighed and walked over to the desk. I looked down at my shoes and put my bag on the desk. I sat down and took my book out.

I turned to the back of the book when I saw a note that had been thrown on my desk. I looked around to see the whole class paying attention to the teacher. I opened the note up slowly and read it.

Hey, I can see you, look to your left.

I slowly moved my head and saw Daniel. I instantly smiled and got my phone out to answer.

Hi, What is this class anyways?

I waited 5 minutes and saw him texting a reply.

English, why are you here?

I instantly replied back to him.

Banned from my history class, guess I'm here for the semester.

I saw him read the text and look over at me. He winked and smiled. I giggled silently and got back to drawing random things.

This semester was gonna rock even more.

I looked up again and saw a hand from the person behind me with a note in it trying to give it to me. I took it and opened it.

Daniel likes you, alot, go out with him. Seriously. Do us year 12's a favour.

I laughed and saw the teacher looking at me. I put my head down and got back to drawing.

Okay, so maybe I could let myself fall for him.