School, Eye-liner and Music

The new girl.

Aiden's POV

Sheik and I walk all the way to the kid's school hand in hand, it was so nice. We spent the whole time talking about what my old school has been like without me.
As we arrive at the school, I instantly let go of Sheik's hand she looks up at me hurt and tries to grab my hand back but I just snatched my hand away. I looked over at her, she opened her mouth to talk but Jet just ran up, hugged her while almost tackling her to the ground.

"I missed you Sheiiiik!" Jet squealed out like a fan-girl.

"Missed you to little man" Sheik replied ruffling Jet's brown scraggly hair.

I just giggled, then I remembered Sheik left a hicky on my neck earlier. I just pushed my hair in front of my neck trying to cover the bruising red mark.

“Oooh what’s that?” Jet asked, pointing to a tiny bit of red showing on my neck.

“What?” I replied covering it more with my hair, “Oh this nothing...”

He grab my hand and pushed the hair away seeing that it was a hicky he looked over at Sheik confused and then back to me, his face starting to tense up.

“Oh boy... He’s mad...” I mumbled.

“What the hell do you think?!” He yelled grabbing his satchel off Sheik and walking off down the street.

“Babe get the little guys, I have to chase after him...” I said pecking Sheik on the cheek. And running after my brother.


“Why did you snatch your hand away earlier?” Sheik asked as we walked around the park, the sun was setting it was so beautiful.

“Because... My family… Their, not so… Accepting...” I replied while trying to grab her hand, she snatched it away.

“If you can’t come out the closet... Then uh...”

“I can... It’s just hard...”

“We can’t be together Aiden, coming here was a huge mistake.”

She said and just walked off down the street until I couldn’t see her anymore.


I awoke to my alarm. I didn’t want to go to school today; I really wasn’t in the mood for any bullshit.

“Aiden!” I heard Jet yell from down the hall.

“What?” I screamed back, as I started to dress.

“Lexia is here!”

I ran out of my room, Jet just giving the biggest evils. Which pissed me off.

“For your information Mr. Man, Sheik has left... Forever.”

His evil’s immediately changed into a frown; he was genuinely sad for me. How unusual, Jet caring for someone else.
I grabbed my school bag from a table next to the front door and ran outside to meet Lexia so we could walk to school.


I was sitting in history the class where I knew nobody. The teacher again droning on and on about another war that probably never happened, while I was sitting there drawing little cartoon’s on Daniel beating Terry and Chris up. I giggled to myself and the kid next to me just stared at my weirdly and looked back at the teacher.
When there was a knock at the door, a girl that was dressed in a evanescence baggy band shirt, walked in. She had shoulder length black hair with blue streaks.
She handed the teacher a note.

“Class this is Luna O’Neil, please take a seat behind Aiden” The teacher said. “Raise your hand Aiden”

She looked around, and her eye’s met with mine just as I raised my hand slightly in the air, she walked down her eye’s locked to mine. With the dirtiest look, she took a seat behind me and kicked the back of my chair.

“Jeez even the new kid is beating on me…” I mumbled to myself.