School, Eye-liner and Music

He's back.

Aiden's POV

I sat on a couch in the small coffee shop at the end of my street. I didn't know where to go, what to do. I don't know what just happened. It was so freaky, but then I saw someone walk in, someone very familiar. It was my dad, my jaw hit the floor. I haven't seen him in over three years.
He didn't notice me at first, but while he waited for his coffee he saw me trying to hide behind my book.

"Aiden? Sweety? Is that you?" My father's voice said.

I peeked out behind my book to see him walking over to me, he leaned into hug me, I had to hug back. Even though I hate him.

"Hi... uhh dad...." I said, starting to read my book again. Pretending he wasn't even there.

"I've missed you sweetheart"

"Oh, true interesting..."

"What's wrong?" He asked pretending he had never done anything wrong.

"Oh nothing, nothing at all" I lied straight through my teeth. "How's uh.. the other family... ya know... Mikey, Alex and what's your wife's name again.. uhh whore bag?"

"Her name is Winery, and I'd prefer if you called her that. She's good and so are you brother's."

"Oh.. Yes... My brother's..."

"I have to go, but I'll call your mum, we should catch up..."

"Oh yes we should" I smiled, chucking my book in my bag, throwing it over my shoulder and storming out of the cramped cafe.

I half walked, half ran down the street towards my house, hoping that my dad didn't see me so he didn't know where we lived. I was almost at my house when Lexia and Daniel appeared out of no where, tear's of course streaming down my face.

"Hey, Aiden what's up?" Daniel said in a cheery voice, then noticing the pool's of water my eye's were creating on the ground.

Lexia pulled me and hugged me.

"What's up girl?" Daniel asked

"Oh nothing Danny..."

"Well then why are you crying, I know your emo but you still need a reason to cry..."

"Well my dad's in town.. I ran into him at the coffee shop... And he just acted like nothing was wrong..."

"Uhmm.. if you don't mind me asking... what did he do?" Lexia asked, rubbing my back trying to calm me down.

"Well nothing much, except for cheating on my mother, stabbing Jet in the back... Literally, breaking Erin's arm, and bashing Jorden and myself so much putting us in the hospital..." I said pulling myself out of Lexia's grip and running into my house and falling onto the couch.


I awoke to Jet's voice yelling something at Erin through the front door, he noticed me turn to face him, my eye's all red and bulging.

"Oh Aii what's wrong?" He asked, sitting down next to me.

"What's wrong?! Dad's in fucking town!" I yelled standing up.

Jet's jaw dropped to the ground, Erin and Jordie ran in the room. I could see how worried Erin was, but Jordie's face... was just so... Fearless. I was shocked.