School, Eye-liner and Music

Internet usage.

Lexia's POV

Mum had just served dinner, Katt was sitting next to me and putting all her beans onto my plate. So I gave her my broccoli in return. Dad wasn't home, and wouldn't be for the rest of the week. He started night shift as a boiler maker. It sucked because it meant I only got to see him on the weekends and even then it was hard because I was either out with friends or it was mum and dad's weekend together. I quickly ate my dinner and put my plate in the sink.

"Nice dinner mum, thanks." Katt finished her dinner, washed up and went into my room while I signed onto my MSN.

"Not to late Lexi."

"Yeah, okay, night mum."

"Night." Mum answered as she walked into her room. I saw Katt run out of my room with my CD case. I laughed as Lara started talking to me.

Lara banana says: Hiiii Lex!

Lexi pwns says: Hey Lara, about that new chick...

Lara banana says: Hmm what is it now?

Lexi pwns says: SHE LIVES NEXT TO ME!

Lara banana says: HAHAHA. Can you see her window?

Lexi pwns says: Yeah, I can actually, the lights off though.

Lara banana says: Hell yeah! S'okay if I stay over on the weekend?

Lexi pwns says: YES! I need company, Katt keeps stealing my CD's.

Lara banana says: Haha, okay cool, Hey Mum's kicking me off, see yah tomorrow at school!

Lexi pwns says: K, bye! xx

Lara banana has signed out.

This weekend was gonna be so cool, I might ask mum in the morning if I can have some friends over, I might even ask the new chick. I need to learn her name, Aiden, yeah whatever. Bed time for me.

I signed off MSN and walked into Katt's room. I noticed she was asleep. I put her doona over her and hugged her. Hey, she was my little sister and the only time she was cute was when she was asleep. I took my CD case back and crept into my room, I left the lamp on so dad didn't bag into anything when he came home. I changed into my pajama's and crawled into bed.