Status: getting there

My Heart


Cassadee's POV

The bus pulled up in my street, and the Paramore dude's all walked out as well as two buff looking guys, they took my bags and I smiled.
Zac, Josh, Jeremy and Taylor made their way over... But no Hayley... I tried to look happy anyway.
"Hey Guys!"
"Cassadee, good to see you girl!" Taylor said, Josh and Jeremy beamed, Zac slapped me on the back and offered me a milkshake.
"Dude, thanks!" I grabbed it and immediately began sipping...I couldn't deny a milkshake, even if it could possibly be filled with the first tour prank. I eyed the milk suspiciously as I sipped, but then realized they were all looking at me.
"Erm. So you guys pumped?" I tried to change the subject. Josh laughed at my attempt.
"Totally, it's gonna be sweet playing with you guys" Taylor took the bait.
We continued to make small talk as the buff guys packed my junk into the bus.
Then I glanced over at the door of the bus, and everything froze. Everything but my heart, which sped up and almost jumped out of my mouth. A girl with a small, perfect frame, pale skin, tight jeans and the most unique, gorgeous red hair jumped off the last step of the bus and jogged over.
"Cassadee" She grinned the most wonderful grin, and slid her arms around me.
"Really good to see you again, Hayley" I managed to blurt out. I put my arms around her waist, but as soon as I realized she was hugging me, she had let go and was standing a meter away from me.
I hope she didn't noticed that I was bright red. Or that I was completely and utterly awkward.
"Alright, let's do this" The buff man said.
I stared at my converse as I awkwardly trailed behind the band and climbed up the stairs to the bus.
Soon the Hey Monday boys would be here to make me less awkward.
Why was I like this around her anyways?
Why did my heart beat so fast when I touched her? Why was it that when she walked off that bus everything stopped?
I know she's been one of my biggest musical inspirations, I know I think she's beautiful.
But I can't have a crush on her.
I can't.
I don't like girls.