Status: getting there

My Heart

Holding Hands

Cassadee's POV

After we had finished the most delicious of taco's, we paid and walked outside.
I had learnt so much about her just from sitting there for an hour, and stuffing my face.
It just made me want her more, knowing how much she cared about her friends and family, knowing how much she truley loved music and her fans, it made me so happy that she was living her dream.
She was such a genuine and down to earth girl. She knew who she was.

It gave me butterflies when she slid her hand into mine again, as we sat on a bench outside the resteraunt. I'd never had butterflies before and actually...liked it.
But was she feeling them too? Could she feel the imense heat that made up the space between us? Could she feel those sparks up her arm and down her spine when i touched her hand?
Did she even like girls?

...Did I even like girls? Did I just adore her as a friend?
I laughed at that thought.... I obviously liked her more than that.

She broke off from my hand, and rearranged herself on the bench so that legs were crossed. When she put her hands in her lap instead of reaching for mine again. My stomach flipped. Did she just read my mind?

Hayley's POV

I probably shouldn't keep holding her hand like this.. I don't want her to know I like her, I can't make things awkward between us... that would kill me.
She probably just kept holding onto mine because she's too nice to let go.
She's so sweet...
Then again, she seemed to like it. And now that i've let go, her sad face is back...
I can't just make up my own conclusion though. Fuck, this is confusing, I don't like it. We were supposed to be having fun, not being awkward and confused! I HATE AWKWARD AND CONFUSED!
I jumped off the bench grinning.
'Wanna go to the beach!?'
'Hayley, it's.. are you serious?'
I made a serious face.

Cassadee's POV

Even though it was eight at night, even though we were fully clothed, even though it was freezing. We ran to the beach together.
She dared me to go in.
I double dared her.
We exchanged evil grins for a few seconds, and immediatly took off our shirts and shorts and ran into the freezing water screaming and squealing like we were five.
We splashed eachother and complained about how cold it was for a while longer, when I realised that I was in the ocean, with Hayley, and we were both in our underwear.
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