Status: Currently On Hiatus Until Further Notice .

This Life Is Warped

The News To Change The Rest Of Your Life.

I stirred in my sleep, hearing the faint noise of 'Situations' by Escape The Fate. I rolled onto my side and looked at my phone that was sitting on my bedside table. The screen was blinking and the song getting louder. I reached my arm out and fumbled until my fingers grabbed the device, pressing the call button and holding it to my ear.

"Yeah?" I asked, still asleep. I didn't even bother looking at the caller ID, I was way too wasted for that.

"Cassie, get up now! Meet me down stairs." the person spoke in a demanding tone. I sighed and pressed the end button, flicking the covers off my body. I slipped on a pair of socks and wiped my eyes. I let out another sigh and got up off the mattress. I pried open the door and the smell of coffee hit me in the face. All of the built up anger that I had in my body drained as soon as I smelt that strong intense brew. I made my way down the stairs and was greeted in the kitchen by a steaming cup of dark liquid and two of the most amazing males in my life.

"About time you rolled out of bed." Winston my oldest brother laughed, handing me the cup of steaming liquid.

"Funny, what time is it?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee. Winston always made the best coffee, I could always rely on him for my morning wake up call.

"It's like eleven. You have been sleeping for ages." Oscar my other older brother laughed. I flicked him the finger and walked over to the fridge.

"So why did you wake me up this early?" I asked, with my head in the fridge, looking for something to eat.

"We have news." Winston said, as he said that; my head shot up making me hit the shelf at the same time.

"Shit. What news?" I asked, rubbing my scalp where a bump was starting to form. I looked from Winston to Oscar, seeing who was going to tell me the news.

"Well?" I asked again, grabbing a bag of frozen peas from the freezer and held it to my head.

"For starters, Caitie and Luke will be coming over in a few, so you might want to get properly dressed." Oscar said, pointing out that I was in a sports bra and short shorts. Winston laughed, knowing that I really didn't care if I was in barely anything at all.

"I really don't think that they are bothered by that, I'm sure they are used to it. Anyways, your getting off the subject, what is this news that you have to tell me that you woke me up for?" I asked, pulling up a seat on the kitchen bench.

"Well..." Winston started, before he was cut off by the loud sound coming from the front door.

"Luke's here." Winston and Oscar said in unison. I laughed and waited for Luke and my best friend Caitie to appear from around the corner.

"Hey guys." Luke said, walking into the kitchen. Oscar, Winston and Luke, exchanged awkward man hugs. Then Luke came and gave me a hug. The same with Caitie, although this time it wasn't so awkward.

"How are you Cas?" Caitie asked, taking a seat next to me on the bench.

"I'm good, hungover though!" I laughed, pulling the bag of frozen peas off my head, and feeling for a lump. Which of course was there

"What the hell happened?" Caitie asked, reaching over and touching the lump on my head.

"My brothers!" I smiled, pointing at the two of them. Luke looked at me and then to Oscar and Winston.

"What did you two do to her this time?" Luke asked, walking over to me. The look on my brothers faces were priceless. It was a mix of humor, hurt and complete guilt. Luke, tilted my head so that he could see the damage caused by my brothers. I loved Luke, to me, he was like another brother. He always looked after me, and Caitie, who actually was his sister.

"We, didn't do anything, Cassie was the one who had her head in the fridge when we told her we had news." Winston said, defending Oscar and himself.

"Sure thing, that's what it looks like." Luke said, placing the bag of now defrosting pea's back onto my head. I laughed along with Caitie, who was now getting a drink from the fridge.

"You want anything Cassie?" she asked.

"No I'm good." I replied, holding up my cup of coffee. I took a large swig of the liquid, and placed the cup on the sink.

"So Winst, going to tell me this news now or what?" I asked, feeling the lump on my head. I flinched as I hit the soft spot.

"What news is this?" Caitie asked, slapping my hand away from my head; and replacing the defrosted bag of peas with a bag of frozen beans.

"Well, I think we should wait until the rest of the guys get here." Winston smiled, looking from Luke to Oscar to us girls. I was so confused.

"Well hurry up then. I want to know now." I said in a firm tone. I was just about to add in something else when I herd the front door click and the rest of the boys piled into our kitchen.

"Morning Cassie!" Ben, Jeff and Jia all said, as they charged through the middle of the group and nearly hugged me to death.

"Morning boys." I smiled. They did the same to Caitie, and added their man hugs to Luke, Winston and Oscar.

"So now can you tell me?" I whined, getting off the bench and walking up to my big brother. I looked at him with my 'I'm so Innocent, and I'm your baby sister' eyes. I knew they always worked on him.

"Yes, I will tell you now." Winston smiled. Which caused me to smile, and everyone else to smile.

'We are..." I blacked our for the rest of that sentence.
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