The Snow

The Window

I opened the rusty window, and drank in the crisp December air. Dark clouds hung in the sky, blocking out the morning Sun. It should snow tonight; I've been waiting for days. I stood there for a while and imagined what the snow would look like; a cap of pure, white sugar covering the houses and trees, children laughing and playing in the street.

It was then that I heard a voice yelling at me from downstairs,
"Nikole! Get down here; you're going to be late!"
I quickly pulled on my school uniform and sped down the stairs. When I got to the bottom I saw her wrinkled up face glaring at me.
"Fix that tie immediately!"
I did as I was told, I didn't have much of a choice. My stepmother, Julie, was the most twisted, back-stabbing person I had ever met. And now she was married to Dad, if I did anything wrong, I would be punished severely. It was much better when she wasn't here and it was just me and Dad.

I heard a sound like a squeaky car horn, - it was my school bus - shoved a piece of oast in my mouth and legged it out of the house and into the bus, before she could lecture me about anything else. I paid my bus fare and sat down beside Becky, my best friend, who was waving frantically for me to sit beside her.
"Hi, Becky."
"Have you heard the news?" she asked, sounding excited and tense at the same time.
"What news?"
"Lauren from 5Y is at a funeral, her Dad was MURDERED!"
I sat back, shocked.
"What! Her Dad! But he was so nice, everybody loved him! Who would do something so cruel?"
Becky shrugged her shoulders.
"Maybe someone wanted him out of the way because of something."

That's when I got it, the perfect idea. I wanted Julie out of the way, so all I had to do was murder her without leaving my fingerprints behind. This would take some planning though.
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Hey I'm new to mibba and just wanted to say that if its bad you can tell me i wont be offended because it is constructive critcism