The Snow

The Angel

I have everything set up. Julie is already having a bad time with the ransom notes I have sent. She sent them off for a forensic examination but I was careful not to touch the notes. Goves really are amazin things. If you know what I mean. I almost feel excited. Tonight is the night. The squeaky bus horn sounded. I decided to miss breakfast and I walked out of my house. But something stopped me on my tracks. I stood at my door for a while; there was that frosty air again. Memories of my childhood wahsed over me only to be disturbed by the tooting bus horn. I briskly walked on the bus, paid my fare and sat down beside Becky.

I felt like someone was staring at me. Becky started giggling. I looked behind me and there sat the most amazing boy I had ever seen. He had short, fair hair and pale skin that was as white as the moon. He had the most gorgeous blue eyes that were transfixed on me. I completed melted inside. Then he flashed me a cheeky grin and I felt as I was dying.

When we got off the bus, I quickly ran to class, feeling embarrassed. Our teacher, Miss Hopkins, walked into the classroom and behind followied the boy from the bus.

"This is Tom Angelo, he is new today and I would like someone to look after him for the week."

Every girl's hand shot up and they all put on their cutest faces, all apart from me.

"OK then, Tom, you can sit beside whoever you want to look after you this week."

He started walking down the aisle beside me, and everyone knew he was going to sit beside Tash - the most gorgeous girl in the class - but he walked right past her and headed right for me. I felt all hot and sweaty with him beside me, watching my every move. But eventually we did start chatting and I was feeling happier and happier as the conversation went on.

Then, at lunch time, he stopped me and said, for all to hear, "Nicole Robertson, will you go out with me?"