The Snow

Dirty Deeds

I stood there, stunned. I had never been asked out before, let alone by a boy who was as nice-looking and kind as Tom.
"Don't leave me hanging, Nikole." he said, giving me a cheeky wink.
Encouraged by this, I cleared my throat and said,
"Erm... Alright then."
Everyone in the room wooped and cheered, everyone except Tash, of course.

From then on, the day was like a dream; Tom and I were inseperable. We ate together, talked together, went to class together. In fact the only thing we didn't do together was go to the toilet because, of course, it's not exactly something you can share.

By the time the end of school came, and I had to go home, I so happy I felt like I was on my own little cloud of happiness. But when I finally got home I knew I had a mission to prepare for.

Later on that night, Dad was out at work late so he decided to sleep on the sofa so that he wouldn't wake any of us up. That just made my plan so much easier. I took the knife out of one of my drawers and crept into Julie's room. Fast asleep, just as I had hoped. I walked slowly up to where she was lying, with her hair tied up in a loose bun. I raised the knife and just as I was about to plunge it into her cold heart, I stopped dead in my tracks. Something was moving by the window. I wisked around, prepared to attack anyone who was spying on me, but it was just the cat. I turned back around to face Julie. Still fast asleep. I raised the knife for the second time and this time I did not stop. I lodged the knife deep into her heart and as the blood from her dying body trickled out, I pulled open her eyes and wrapped one of her hands round the knife. Now when the police came, I couldn't be traced and wouldn't be susected. At least, not for long anyway.

I crept into the bathroom and washed my hands and face thoroughly. 'I should probably get rid of these clothes,' I thought. I quietly slipped outside and dumped my clothes in our neighbours bin. There, all done and dusted. I ran back inside, put on a new pair of pyjamas and got into bed. At last, my warm, safe bed. I smiled to myself and fell into a dreamless sleep.
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The next couple of chapters will be very short and the next chapter won't be in first person.