Status: By Order of Mr Dee. -I have deleted myself, so all messages shall be sent to Spider Blossom-

My Smile Is Your Best Feature


I love the little things in life.

When I walk to the park, I can't help but giggle when I hear the sounds of babies laughing and children playing spaceship games.

I feel peaceful and safe when it's raining outside, even though the rain makes most people unhappy.

I adore seeing this old couple every Saturday on the same bench. They just hold hands and smile because they have nothing to say. They know each other so well.

I love seeing the exchange of hugs and kisses between young lovers, and grin when they start to whisper sweet things into each others ears.

My crazy friends make me smile simply because they are my friends. People who care about me and love me for who I am.

And even though I don't have a significant other, and I'm not rich, or powerful, or particularly pretty, I enjoy the simple things in life.

Because they make me smile. And that's all I need.