Independence Unbending

A wise man once told me when the world comes crashing down in flamse around you, there's no one to save but yourself. Thirteen years ago a war broke out. I hardly remember those days. in the midst of all of the panic and fear, true chaos reins and all humanity turns into nothing more than a distant memory lost in the mass confusion of terror. People started to kill each other. Stealing. Betrayal. Corruption. It became a fight to survive. Independence unbending. The only person one can rely on is oneself. I used to believe whole-heartedly in that.

He was wrong.

Sometimes the human heart doesn't think that way. One thing I've learned now is that life is unpredictable. Even in the more dire of situations, when one person cares for another more than themselves things change.

People have always been scared of change.

**And as you know I do not own anything from either the manga or anime Naruto. This is mine. Don't be a jerk and steal anything. I will find out.