The Blood Is Calling

Chapter 4

I sat up in bed. My head was buzzing. What just happened? Who was that boy? Why didn't he like Chase? Why did he call me little moon? What was going on?!
I got dressed and suddenly remembered what happened after school yesterday.
Chase had walked me home (and kinda asked me out - i said yes of course. So what if I haven't known him that long) and asked me if I believed in vampires. I joked around and said I am one. He looked kinda worried, so I told him I'm joking and I don't. He had looked a bit funny after that, an expression that I couldn't place with an emotion. He talked just fine though.
I thought about one word - vampire.
I gathered what little knowledge I knew about them. They don't like garlic, holy water, sunlight or wood - especially wooden stakes. Must drink blood. Was very pale. Either born (can stop aging whenever they want and can have children) or made (can't have children and can't age). Either way they were drop dead gorgeous. They have fast reflexes and a to die for voice.
I was thinking about this because the the boy was pale, fast at answering back, and a voice even hotter than Chase's (if that's possible - well with the guy it is) 100% drop dead gorgeous.
I wonder ..... no it was just a dream right?
Then I heard the voice.
But not just any voice.
' Don't worry, I'll see you soon, little moon."
It was him, the guy from my dream. His voice was deep, smooth, sexy and irresistible.
I felt positive and hopeful that I would see him at school, even though the odds of that wasn't very high. Either way, if I didn't go now, I'll be late for school.
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ill get more asap - my goal is 2 chapters everyday - fingers crossed