The Blood Is Calling

Chapter 6

He stayed with me all day.
Brendon watched me, as though I was going to disappear. I thought it might be my mark, but he was always looking at my face. Studious, gentle, wondering. All day.
English, Drama, break, Technology, History, lunch, Art. He stayed with me as I gave him a tour of the school. Chase came too, but tried to exclude Brendon, so I talked to Brendon as much as I could.
It was kinda flattering, the way he looked at me, but at the same time freaked me out. I had enough questions now to fill a book.
It was so frustrating!
I found out what type of kid Brendon was too. The cool hot type, but with brains. All the girls loved him. Drooling and acting like Barbie dolls with toilet paper stuffed down their bras. I can't say much though, as the only thing stopping me doing it was my pride. Why did my pride have to get in the way?!
Brendon ignored them anyway. His eyes were on me anyway. Ha ha, take that Barbie girls!
After school, the biggest bunch of Barbie girls ever to walk the planet came up to him and their leader asked him
"Hey, Brendon. We're, like, having a party tonight. Do you, like, want to go with one of us?"
He answered gently, yet sharply.
"No. I'm not going. I have other plans."
They all looked at me at the same time.
"What? Don't look at me like that. I don't have anything to do with it."
I was very pissed now.
It was hailing again. But not any hail.
Hail the size of lorries.
Fully loaded.
And one in the school.
Woo-ho. No school tomorrow.
"Oh my God!"
I looked at Brendon. Did he just cuss?
Very slowly, he turned away from the Barbie girls to look at me.
i looked up.
It was heading straight for me. Giant, icy, white. I knew I was going to die. I though about my friends and family. Mum, Dad I love you. Rosie, I've missed you badly. Chase, life wouldn't be the same without you (even if i have known you 2 days).
Something hit me. It was a blur as it moved. I thought it was the hail until I realized it was going the wrong way - toward the school.
Next thing I knew, I was half way through the school wall. My body hurt. Something was keeping me in my concrete prison. The same thing wasn't letting me out. The thing that pushed me out the way.
My eyes were funny, but I could see a lorry-hail where I was standing before. The Barbie girls and Chase were stunned, staring at me when the question hit me.
Where was Brendon?
The thing that was trapping me started to move. It knocked the question put of my head.
"Cynthia. Cynthia! Are you awake? Can you hear me?"
Brendon . . .
He's strong. Fast. Like a . . . . vampire.
Oh. My. God.
No no. Stuff like that isn't real - is it?
I'm drifting. Brendon, Can you hear me? No, I'm thinking. I can't speak. I'm too weak. I'm floating. This is just like my dream.
A sharp pain pulled me down. Two long, sharp sticks where being pushed into my neck.
Someone was screaming. Sounds like the leader of the Barbie girls.
Then absolute silence.
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ooh i wonder what happens next!