The Blood Is Calling

Chapter 7

Darkness. Nothing. No sound. No colours. No Brendon's arms around me. No pain.
Being dead is boring.
Slowly, everything was coming back. The sun on my closed eyelids. I could feel Brendon's arms around me. Someone was talking. Chase. I saw him and Brendon. They both seemed a lifetime ago.
"Cynthia? She's coming back."
"No thanks to you."
"Blood bank."
I opened my eyes.
"Shut up, will you."
I felt Brendon smile.
"She's back."
"Why the hell where you calling each other names?"
Chase answered.
Huh. I wonder why the names were blood bank and leech.
"Either way, you're giving me a headache."
Everything was back now. But no pain. Odd, I slammed into a wall just a couple . . . um minutes right?
I felt my neck. It was normal. Smooth. But, I though. There's supposed to be blood. Two sharp things where put into it. It doesn't even hurt.
"I didn't mean go completely quiet!"
Why can't boys read my mind?!
"OK, OK! What do you want us to talk about?"
"I don't know Chase! Just something while I get the screaming out of my head."
The boys started to mummer about something. I just snuggled into whoever was holding me.
Then I thought it.
"Where have the girls gone?"
"Home." Brendon answered.
"When you were unconscious."
"How long was I out for?"
"Um, 2 hours? Maybe more."
Oh my God!
Two hours! Two WHOLE hours! And maybe more!! What was Mum and Dad going to say? Oh right. I can imagine it. "It's you're fault!" "No yours!".
Maybe I should say I went to an after school club.
I stared listening to the boys' conversation.
"You need to stay away from her leech."
"Why should I blood bank?"
"Because she's mine. M-I-N-E. Right parasite?"
"It's just there's something about her. Special. Different. And-"
"Don't you dare say it."
Damn. I wanted to hear what Brendon was going to say. This was like a TV show. About me too! I know I should say 'I'm right her you know', but I'm interested in what their saying.
So I carried on.
"-I'll punch the blood out of you. Oh wait, you don't have any do you?"
"Back off or I'll have to take yours."
"OK, OK! God you blood suckers are moo-dy!"
"OK, I'm done. So whats happening boys?"
I hoped they would say nothing. But Chase said,
"Brendon's going home. Do you want to go on a walk with me?"
"Sure," I replied. "See you later Brendon."
He looked at me as if to say 'Don't go, please." but said
"See ya."
And walked off, leaving me alone with Chase outside the lonely school.
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the next ones gonna b a while, I'm still writing it