Status: On hiatus until "Love and Werewolves" is finished.

The Unexpected

Chapter one

Hello my Name is Rose Skelly I just turned 15 years of age I am 5"2, 80somthin pounds (I was not fed much with Mr. Glass) Blond-brown hair and very pretty eyes a(as I told because I have never seen myself before) Blind, Orphaned and a rape victim, but please do not pity me for, I can not stand for pity.

I have just been adopted into another couple after the first one lets say how shall I put this "haywire" ah yes haywire completely and utterly after Mrs. Glass (the adoptive mom) passed away lets just say that Mr. Glass Kind of
... Lost it and took all his pain, wrath, and fury out on me but still do not pity me.

As I was saying I have been adopted into a new couple "the Forsythes" Whom seem very kind and whole-hearted and are also going to enroll me in high school which I am extremely nervous about because, you see I have never been to school before seeing as my parents died before I was of age and the orphanage's school only consisted of tutors coming for each major subject's like Mathematics and science.

Fast forward to first day of school.

Today is my first day of school and I am so nervous I swear I'm gonna piss myself.

And to make things worse the school insisted that I have a guide with me at all times to take me to class because of my disability it is a student that is the same grade as me and will have all my classes jeez people I really don't think that I need a babysitter.

Mrs. Forsythe drives me to school and leads me to the office where the principel which is how she introduces herself to me quickly dismisses her I thank her for the ride and she wishes me luck.

The principal who is Ms. Teriambel Hands be a paper and books that are written in Braille which I luckily know how to read.

I smile warmly in where I think her direction is she leads me into another room and says "Rose this is Aiden he will be your guide and, please if there are any problems don't hesitate to come, but I trust that there will be *no* problems right Mr. Wyatt.

Yeah yeah sure a male voice says who I assume is Aiden I feel a squeeze on my hand and a voice saying "It's my pleasure to meat you Rose Skelly my name is Aiden Wyatt."
I smile and say "the pleasure is mine."

Ms.Teriambel then says "alright students off to class you don't want to be late on your first day I nod and Aiden leads me to class and I slam into a wall or at least what I thought was a wall until a voice came from it saying "watch it you little bitch."

I quickly apoligize and stand up asking Aiden who the strange boy was. "Oh that, that was the total dick of the school Ralph Monotrony.
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Please give me comments with feedback!
Word count 887
I know its short sorry