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I Have to Save the World? No Thank You.

Don't go towards the light!

*2 years later*

Blackness. Blackness is all I see. Blackness is all I've seen for god knows how long. No light, no color, no sound, nothing but blackness, and I are so damn over it. The only thing that keeps running through my head is that last words her mommy told her before everything was black. Where's my family?

Beep, beep, beep…

*What's that?*
There's mumbling, somewhat high pitched, a lady maybe. Mommy? Is that my mommy? Why can't I see her? God dammit, I want out of this blackness!

Ok, how to get out of this blackness? Maybe focus on the annoying mumbling…*pop*. Suddenly, I was out of the blackness. Looking around, colors are starting to form shapes. I'm surrounded by trees, looking down; I'm standing on a bridge, with a happy river running under. It looks so familiar…where have I seen this before?

Second Bridge in Fall Creek, oh the memories from here. Running past here to get the egg for Track, hiking here in 6th grade for a project, and running away; hiding under the bridge for 3 days.

I can hear the person perfectly now.

"She's getting worse. Slowly, but surely. Poor girl, she's so beautiful, would've made it far in the world. What a waste that they want to cut the plug. Odd too, she wasn't that bad. Test show she would've woken up once the drugs wore off. Might as well go let her adoptive parents know they should start working on funeral plans."

WOAH! I'm in a coma? How long? Adoptive parents? Why adoptive, what happened to my parents? Dear God, PLEASE let me wake up. I don't want to die! How do I wake up? Focus on the world outside of my mind? I start focusing on anything I can remember. The beach I would always surf on, my school, the sun shining down on me as I feel asleep near a pool, anything and everything I could think of. Nothing!

Maybe if I focus on what a hospital looks like, I could wake up. I start focusing on what the Hospital Steven went to when he got Swine looked like. A Giant brown building, white rooms, friendly looking nurses in different colored smocks, doctors with hella cold hands. Suddenly, everything's a bright white. Ok, I'm either dead or in the hospital, awake.


The door opened; I think, and somebody gasped.

"AVA!! Oh my, you're awake! GUYS! GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE NOW!! SHE'S AWAKE!" Some woman screamed. What guys?

"WHE'RE COMING!" A bunch of deep voices said at once, squeaking noises filling my ears.

I look over to see five big, scary looking guys running in to the end of my bed, all of them staring at me. W-T-F! What is going on? And, can somebody get me some water. Suddenly the tallest one there tosses me a bottle of water. As I open it and gulp it down, he starts talking.

"Thought you might be thirsty, and I was right. Nice to see you awake Ava!" He was just a tiny bit too hyper. Hopefully I get to hang with him a lot.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I didn't have it up yesterday! Please rate, comment, and subscribe! Thank you to all the amazing people who commented! I love you all!! Also, there will be zombies in the story later on!

I got reported, because my grammer was wrog, and there was something wrong with my title. I'm sorry, but I couldn't think of a title, so I just put that up, and I think my grtammer is fine. However, if you would like to co-edit my grammer let me know. I will send you the chapter, have u over check the grammer then send it back. Please and thank you!
This is what she wore!
<3 Jessica