Status: Inactive. May be changed in the future.

Girl in the Band

Girl In The Band Info (copy and paste into browser to see banner)

Alex Rodriguez: 16, spunky, writer, singer, moved to La Push 3 months ago. (portrayed by Selena Gomez)

Charlotte Johnson: 16, happy, photographer, keyboardist, grew up in La Push. (portrayed by Demi Lovato)

Katie Jones: 17, bubbly, dancer, guitarist, moved to La Push when she was 13. (portrayed by Taylor Swift)

Monica Anderson: 17, mature, artist, drummer, moved to La Push when she was 7. (portrayed by Hayley Williams)

Together these four girls form the band M.A.C.K., an alternative/pop/country band. M.A.C.K was founded by Alex a month after she arrived in La Push. She and Charlotte had become fast friends and both had an interest in performing. One day at school they heard Katie playing and asked her to join, she brought Monica along. They become the best of friends and practice every week in Katie's garage.

Alex sings lead vocals.

Charlotte plays keyboard and back-up vocals.

Katie plays guitar and back-up vocals.

Monica plays drums and back-up vocals. On a few of the band's songs she sings lead, as do Charlotte and Katie.

Alex's clothing style is always changing. Somedays it is scene, others punk, others preppy, other tom-boyish. You get the picture.

Charlotte's style is usually rock or punk.

Katie's style is sweet, preppy and country.

Monica's style is punk, rocker and tom-boyish.

Charlotte is dating Jacob.

Katie is dating Embry.

Monica is dating Paul.

Alex is single.

Brief personality rundown:

Alex is sarcastic, flirty, perverted, protective, loud, childish yet mature and loving. She is a listener as well as a talker. She loves to text.

Charlotte is kind, silly, smart, athletic, loving, random, nice and talkative. She loves to cook.

Katie is sweet, loving, can have a bit of a temper if you threaten her friends, family or something she believes in. She loves to give advice, and the advice is always good. She loves to bake.

Monica is loud, perverted, competitive, opinionated, stubborn, and she loves her friends with every fiber of her being. She loves to run.

The girls are inseparable best friends and love each other like they are sisters. And they act like it to.


Alex's: Lex, Lollipop & Energizer Bunny

Charlotte's: Lotta, Nerds & Rocky

Katie's: K-K, Sugar Cookie & Princess

Monica's: Monie, Skittles & Punkster