Status: completed

Who's Cheatin' Who

What In The Hell

John was sitting in his locker room waiting for Misty to show up she had gone to get something to drink and that had been twenty minutes ago. He got up and walked out the locker room running into Kevin Thorn and Jessica DeLane. He was shocked by that but ignored it.

“Have you guys seen Mist?”

“Seen her uh yeah she was headed that way.” Jessica said pointing toward the locker rooms. John started toward them. What he saw made him sick to his stomach. His girlfriend was in the locker room she was not wearing a shirt just her bra and her jeans were the only other article of clothing she had on and she was kissing Matt Hardy. Who was shirtless and their hands were all over each other. John turned and walked out of the room. Something was going on here and he was going to get to the bottom of it.

Adam Copeland was sitting in catering talking to Jessicka. They were laughing at all the bullshit that was going on around them. It seemed like everyone was fighting. Mickie was fighting with her current flavor of the month Carlito. Ashley was yelling at Shannon one minute and the next she was making out with him, and Maria and Brian were talking to each other quietly, both were smiling when they took each others hand and walked from the catering area. Jessicka shook her head and watched as Ashley and Shannon made their way out of the catering area.

“I hope she knows that he is most likely lying about being divorced.” Adam said

“So do I. Wait actually I could care less, he hurt me and I hope he burns in hell.”

“Harsh, I mean you have no room to talk, sis.”

“Shut up Adam. Neither do you, but man it pisses me off because I was so in love with him, and I think that I am in love with Matt, and I just don’t know what to do. I mean hell at least you had the guts to say what you did to Jessica.”

“Yeah but I walked away, and how she is hanging all over Thorn when she says that she loves Jeff is beyond me. Or are you going to tell me?”

“Oh come on Big Brother I always tell you everything…”

“Jessicka can I talk to you a minute?” she turned and looked up into the darkened eyes of John Cena. She cocked an eyebrow at him but invited him to sit down. Adam started to leave but his sister grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.

“What’s up Cena?”

“Wanna tell me why it seems everywhere I turn there are people all over each other and I do not mean fighting.”

“I knew what you meant. Why the hell are you asking me? That’s what me and Adam was just trying to figure out.”

“Please tell me you and Adam aren’t…”

“Oh god no he’s my older brother.”

“Your brother… Wow didn’t know you had a sister.”

“Half sister, we have the same mom. Anyway, why are you asking?”

“Because My fiancée is all over your sister’s boyfriend.” Jessicka jumped up with out warning and stormed out of the room. She was obviously pissed. “That and Thorn and Jessica…”

“I know I was about to get Jessie to tell me what the hell was going on and oh shit we better follow them before Misty and Matt get torn to shreds. The two men made their way to the locker room where John had last seen Hardy and Misty. It wasn’t long before they heard the yelling and screaming. Looking at one another they walked a little bit faster. Standing at the door way they heard Jessicka crying as she slid down the wall, and they watched Matt and Misty’s retreating backs. There was a ring lying on the bench in the locker room. John recognized it, it was Misty’s engagement ring. Walking over he picked it up and sat down. Adam wrapped an arm around his sister and held her while she cried.

Thorn and Jessica entered the locker room and you could tell that Jessica was seeing red. She watched as Adam picked his sister up and sat her on a chair.

“Is she okay Adam?”

“No, she isn’t. Do I need your permission to kick the living hell out of Hardy?”

“Which one?” when she said that her heart fell. She was standing there with Kevin Thorn and the man she loved was in the hospital. It had only been a week, but dammit she was in love with the man and she had told herself that things would be different. She turned to Thorn and he nodded as she walked out of the room. This whole revenge thing was turning out ot be a disaster. Walking around Backstage she finally found Matt he was sitting on the hood of his rental car.

“Wheres misty?”

“She went to get something she forgot.” He stated not looking at her.

“What the fuck is your problem Matt. Jessicka didn’t do anything to you and your all over Misty?”

“Oh so kissing my worst enemy is nothing now!?”

“She kissed her brother on the cheek Matt since when is that a crime?”

“I never said…wait what her brother?” Matt’s head snapped up and he looked Jessica in the face.
Jessica said nothing but nodded her head. She watched as his face fell to his hands and when he looked up he raked his hands over his face. She could see the frustration on his face and turned to walk away. She was half way across the parking lot when he came up behind her.

“What about you and Thorn?”

“Oh please we talked about what happened last week and that was it. Nothing happened although that was the original plan. I love your brother and nothing is going to change that. Now if you excuse me I have a friend to yell at and one to comfort.”

“Wait one more thing.”


“You and Adam at the hospital…”

“He was letting go. It was good-bye.” And with that Jessica walked back into the arena. And went to find her friends. She walked into the locker room where she had left Jessicka, Thorn, and Adam. The only difference was Cena was there now too. When she walked in they all looked up.

“Where’d you go?”

“To figure a few things out. Well to actually explain a few things, which I think I need to explain to all of you. But there isn’t time because you guys have matches tonight, and Adam can I borrow your laptop?”

“Uh you have a point and I guess why?”

“Because I have an article due and I know exactly how I am going to write it.”