Status: completed

Who's Cheatin' Who


Jessica sat there the tears falling from her eyes as she watched everything that had happened the previous week unfold. Misty looked at her friend and sighed; she wrapped an arm around her shoulder and tried to comfort her. Jessica pulled away and stood. There was no way that she was going to watch this match. She wasn’t going to tolerate any of it. She just wanted to go home. Misty watched her leave and sighed, but she did not follow her friend. She stayed seated there was nothing that she could do.

Jeff watched Jessica leave the and at the same time he heard Thorns music play. He turned his attention to the man walking toward the ring. This time Jeff was going to win and he wasn’t going to worry about Jessica or anything else. He was sure that he was going to win. Jeff cleared his mind and heard the bell ring signaling the beginning of the match.

Jessica had just walked backstage and she was greeted by a squeal of happiness. She saw Matt and Jessicka were wrapped in one another’s arms. She also saw the light reflect off the ring that was on her friend’s finger. Jessica closed her eyes and felt a tear roll down her face. It seemed like everyone but her was happy. She heard the announcer from the ring announce Jeff the winner, and the tears fell harder. She left before Jeff could get to the backstage area. She found her car and was putting the key in the ignition when she heard someone call her name. She turned her head in time to see Jessicka run over to her and sighed.

“Jess, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing I just need to go home. I haven’t been home in a while and I want to spend time with Brooklyn. Finish my article and just possibly relax, take a longer vacation.”

“Jess are you sure nothing is wrong?”

“Yeah I’ll send you an e-mail when I get home.” Jessica said before turning the key in the ignition and started the car. She pulled out of the arena parking lot and looking back out her review mirror she took a deep breath as she watched her friend slowly turn and walk into the arena.


Jessica stepped off a plane in New York and was met by Stephanie McMahon and her daughter. Jessica smiled and wrapped her daughter in her arms. She looked up Stephanie and smiled.

“Thanks for meeting me Steph we’re going to be in New York. I have to send in that article and then I’m staying home with her for a while.”


Phoenix had left a note for Jessica saying that she had gone back to Florida. But not to live with her parents. Jessica picked the note up and read it when she found on the kitchen table. Brooklyn had already run up to her room.

I know we have had our differences, but I wanted to say thank you for letting me stay here. I really appreciated it. I would also thank you for telling Adam where I was staying. I am going back to Florida to live with him. We spent the last week talking out all of our problems and I am happy to that we are getting back together. I hope that even though we had our problems in the past, but I would like to be friends. You have done a lot for me by letting me stay here when you didn’t have to.

Jessica smiled at the note. Jessicka and Phoenix were both happy and Misty had resolved to be a single parent. This was how Jessica was going to be living with Brooklyn alone. She had her daughter she didn’t need anything more than that.


Matt and Jessicka were smiling at one another. Grace was holding Matt’s hand as they walked thru the pet store. Jessicka wanted a bunny so Matt going to buy her one. The two of them were standing there as Grace watched fascinated by the rabbits. Jessica saw a beautiful brown bunny. She touched Matt’s arm to get his attention then pointed to it. Matt nodded knowing it was the one she wanted.

An hour later the three of them were sitting around the giant cage that Matt had bought. Grace was playing with the bunny that she had decided to name Wednesday. Grace was laughing at the bunny as it made it’s way around the room getting acquainted with it’s new home. Jessicka rested her head on Matt’s shoulder and placed her hand on her abdomen. She was now four months pregnant and Matt had been by her side the whole time. He loved her and she was lucky to have that. Matt looked down and kissed his fiancé on the forehead. Jessicka smiled and laughed as Grace finally got dizzy and fell down laughing. She moved so that she was comfortable in Matt’s arms and smiling she laid her head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

Matt smiled and careful not to wake her up he picked her up and placed her on the couch. Brushing a stray strand of hair out of her face he kissed her on the forehead once more. Grace sat there and watched the whole thing take place. She smiled at what she saw, and then asked.

“Do you love my mommy?” Matt turned to look at her. He had known eventually that the question would be asked but he didn’t think that it would be this early on.

“Yeah I love your mom.”

“Good because my mommy loves you too.” Grace said grinning. Matt looked at her and raised an eyebrow at her. He just smiled and said nothing more about it.

“Why don’t you catch Wednesday, put her in her cage and come help me make dinner?” Matt asked. Grace’s eyes lit up and a smile spread across her face. She caught Wednesday and placed her in the cage and then helped Matt pick up the mess that had been made. Five minutes later the two of them were in the kitchen looking down at the cook book deciding what to make.

“Dad never let me help cook.” Matt turned his head to the seven year old child standing on the chair next to him, and saw a tear slide down her cheek. He brushed it away and hugged her.

“Well you can help me.” He told her. Grace smiled and hugged Matt back.


Phoenix was sitting on the back porch drinking a glass of iced tea in the early morning light when she heard the phone ring. She ignored it knowing that Adam would answer the phone. She leaned her head back against the banister and sighed. It had been a month since she had stayed at Jessica’s in New York and she was glad that she had. It had given her a chance to think about her life. She had realized all the things she had done and it was time to fix it. And thanks to Jessica she had started with Adam.

Adam walked out onto the porch and joined his girlfriend. He was carrying the phone and sat down next to her. He put an arm around her and she laid her head on his shoulder.

“That was Jessicka, she and Matt are going to bring Grace down for a week. Is that okay by you Phoenix?”

“Yeah Adam, I mean she is your sister.”

“Yeah she is I just figured that with the past between the two of you that you would rather be forewarned.”

“Adam, we used to be friends and I intend to be friends with her again. Just like Jessica and Misty. Well I’m not so sure about Misty anymore she won’t even answer her phone. I am really worried about her, ever since she and John got into that fight.”

“You’re right I’ll talk to Jessicka and see if she wants to try and call her. But for now you and I need to get the two guests rooms ready.”

“Yeah let’s. I really hope that me and Jessicka can get along again.”

“Me too babe.”

Later that day...

Adam was on the phone with his sister when he heard a car door slam from the front of the house. He told her he would call her back. Going to the front of the house what he saw shocked the living hell out of him. Jessica and Brooklyn were walking up the front walk. He opened the door and stood there.

“What are you doing here?”

“We came to see Phoenix.”

“Well let me go get her.” Adam said and turned to walk inside the house but Phoenix was walking around the house from the back yard.

“Jessica, wow what are you doing here?”

“Came to see you Phoenix. I got your note. And you’re right we have had our differences but it’s time to put that all in the past. I say we start over, no lies, no half truths, just us.”

“I agree with her...” Jessica and Phoenix turned and saw Jessicka walking over to them. Both women smiled and all three women embraced in a three way hug.


Misty was standing in her apartment and she felt the tears fall. It had been a month since she had seen Jessica and Jessicka. She missed her friends and she knew that wherever they were they were having the time of their lives. She was stuck here in her apartment with nothing to do. She tried and she tried to find something to occupy her time but she just couldn’t do it. She was five months pregnant and she was tired of having nothing to do. She decided to see if any of her friends were online, although she seriously doubted it. She sat down in front of her computer and logged on. She sat there for a minute before signing into her screen name. She saw that several people were online. It shocked her when she was invited into a conference with Phoenix and the two Jess’s.

MizBehavin has joined the conference
FireandIce has joined the conference
XiobjectX has joined the conference
Ihearthighflyers has joined the conference
Tigerlily88 has joined the conference

Mizbehavin: Hey Mist what’s up girl?

XiobjectX: Not much just bored out of my mind.

FireandIce: Misty uh I was just wondering if...

XiobjectX: If I have a problem with you? Well I don’t

Ihearthighflyers: Yay that is good news considering she is...

FireandIce: Me and Adam are engaged

XiobjectX: Wow congrats Phoenix

Mizbehavin: Well Mist we are throwing a party for her if you wanna come down for it.

XiobjectX: who all is going to be there?

Mizbehavin: Just a small family thing and well Mist you are like family to all of us.

XiobjectX: yeah but there are tons of people like family to Matt and Adam.

Mizbehavin: Mist if I have to face Jeff you can face whoever shows up.

FireandIce: Misty don’t worry everything is going to turn out ok

Tigerlily88: Come on Mist even I’m going down there.

Ihearthighflyers: Yeah and Lilz don’t know a damn one of them

Tigerlily88: See you can hang with me Chica

XiobjectX: Well hell if u put it that way. When ya want me there?

FireandIce: ASAP girly

XiobjectX: B there ASAP I promise, but im kinda tired so TTYL

XiobjectX has left the conference
BasicThuganomics has joined the conference

FireandIce: sup Cena?

BasicThuganomics: What she say?

Tigerlily88: she’ll b there

Mizbehavin: she doesn’t know that u gonna b there though

BasicThuganomics: O

Ihearthighflyers: hey at least there is a chance 4 u...

Mizbehavin: STFU Jess u kno that ain’t funny even sayin that

Ihearthighflyers: Ur right sorry

BasicThuganomics: JD R u gonna b ok?

Mizbehavin: Yea imma b ok

FireandIce: U sure?

Mizbehavin: yea

Mizbehavin: BTW I changed the article to include everything that we all went thru. After all it
‘posed to b Backstage Secrets.

Tigerlily88: R u ok with it being printed?

Mizbehavin: : Don’t go syco analyst on me Lilz not right now.

Tigerlily88: Sorry can’t help it

BasicThuganomics: If it’s the truth then let them print it. The damage is already done right?

FireandIce: Cena has a point

Mizbehavin: It’s k Lilz I’m just a little frustrated right now

BasicThuganomics: Shane?

Mizbehavin: Yea, how’d u guess?

Ihearthighflyers: I can announcer that. Shane has been running around pissing everyone off backstage at shows and shit. He yelled at Matt for no reason at all.

Mizbehavin: : ya’ll want me to talk to him? Cos I think I know what the problem is.

FireandIce: Don’t do anything drastic girl

Mizbehavin: I won’t Phoenix, look ya’ll I gots to head out. I promised Brooklyn I’d take her to the park see ya’ll in a week.

MizBehavin has left the conference

BasicThuganomics: I gotta go 2 I have a match to get ready 4

BasicThuganomics has left the conference
Tigerlily88 has left the conference

Ihearthighflyers: See ya tonight Phoenix

FireandIce: yeah c-ya 2 nite

FireandIce has left the conference
Ihearthighflyers has left the conference


Jeff Hardy was trying to be happy for his brother but that just wasn’t happening. He was hurting on the inside and he had no clue what he could do to fix the way he felt. He wanted her and nothing was going to change that. If only he had seen a way to fix things then he would have. Maybe he shouldn’t have called out Thorn. No he knew he shouldn’t have but he had been pissed and nothing was going to change that. He wanted to talk to someone about this but everyone was obsessing about Phoenix and Copeland’s wedding and Matt and Jessicka’s wedding. That and babies. If he heard one more damn thing about babies he was going to scream. And it took a lot to piss him off.

Jeff walked into his den and sat down in front of his computer. He looked at it for a moment and sighed. He stood back up and walked out to the patio. He thought everyday about sending her an e-mail or calling her but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He had picked up the phone on several occasions and attempted to dial her number but he would get half way thru it and hang up the phone. He had started e-mails and just deleted everything that he wrote. It seemed he didn’t have the guts to contact her. Yet he could jump off of ladders and various other things. When it came to her she was his weakness. He looked at a picture that was sitting on the table in his room as he walked in. It was Jessica and him together at the park. He picked it up and threw it at the wall. He barely missed hitting his brother in the head.

“Damn Jeff”

“Sorry Matt I didn’t hear you come in.”

“Yeah you were deep in thought.”

“Anyway what do you want Matt?”

“Well she’s gonna be here for the party.” Matt said as he picked up the picture frame that was lying on the ground smashed to pieces.

“Who will?”

“Her” Matt said handing the photograph to Jeff after taking it out of the broken frame. Jeff took the picture and looked at it for a moment, then sighed. Maybe he could talk to Matt about it.

“Matt can I talk you about…”

“Sure little bro”

“I love her, and I fucked up.”

“At least you can admit it. The question is what are you going to do about it?”

“I don’t know what I can do. I mean she doesn’t even love me. Remember she said that.”

“She never said that Jeff, she said you weren’t the man she thought you were. There is a big difference. It is up to you to prove that you know what you did was wrong and that the man she fell in love with is still in there somewhere. That you really do love her and nothing can change that. Do you realize that she never really had what you wanted to give her? First there was Shane, and he wasn’t the first one to hurt her. Her mother was. Then Shane cheated on her while they were married, and I think that is why she did what she did. Think about it Jeff, she may still love you. And then again she may not but you aren’t going to find out by sitting around and moping here. Go to New York. Before she comes down to Cameron. Show her that you care.”

“Thanks Matt never thought you would be the one to be all philosophical about relationships.”

“I have my Jessicka, what can I say. Now go get yours.”


Kevin Thorn was fuming. After everything that he had tried to get her to see things his way she refused. She didn’t return his phone calls, she didn’t even answer the phone when he called. It was beginning to piss him off. Staring at the wall he decided that he was going to have to go up to New York and talk to her. That was the only thing that he could do. And it was what he was going to have to do.


Jessica was just getting up when she heard a knock on her front door. Sighing she pulled on a robe over her pajamas. She stopped by her daughters room and saw that she was still asleep. Walking down the stairs she glanced at the clock and muttered a curse under her breath. She walked to the front door and unlocking it she opened it and was shocked to see him standing there.


“Kevin what in the hell are you doing here?”

“We need to talk.”

“No we don’t.”

“I’m not leaving until you talk to me.”

“Then let me get some coffee in me, damn it’s not even six am.” Jessica unlocked the screen door and let him in. He followed her to the kitchen and watched as she made a pot of coffee. She turned to him when she finally had a cup in her hand and had taken her first sip. She didn’t bother to offer him a cup because he wouldn’t be staying for long. “Whatever you have to say make it quick I have plans today.”

“I want to know how you…” He was cut off by a knock at her door. Jessica sighed and walked to the door for the second time that morning. And for the second time she got a shock.

“What the fuck ya’ll gotta start showing up at my door at six in the morning and I swear if someone wakes up Brooklyn then I’m going to scream.” She walked back into the kitchen with Jeff following her.

“Coffee Jeff?” She asked which caused Kevin to raise an eyebrow at her. And glare at Jeff at the same time. Jeff was a little startled to see Thorn there.

“Yeah thanks Jess.” She got him a cup and poured the coffee and handed it to him. He could add his own sugar and creamer to it.

“Okay now why the hell are you two here?”

“I have no clue why Hardy is here but I am here because I want to know why you don’t return phone calls and why you never answer your phone.”

“Wow, you came all that way just to ask me that. I’m not impressed. I have been busy.”

“With what that you don’t return phone calls?” Thorn demanded.

“Wake Brooklyn up and I’m gonna be the one kicking your ass this time not Jeff. I have been spending a lot of time with Brooklyn, I’m never really home. Now if that’s all you wanted can you leave because I still hate you. And I always will.” Thorn looked like he was about to ask why but said nothing as he left. He slammed the door behind him causing Jessica to jump; Jeff shook his head and set his coffee cup down before taking hers out of her unsteady hands. “Jeff what are you doing here?”

“I have a better reason for being here than he did trust me on that but it can wait you need to sit down for a minute before you collapse.” Jessica looked at him and sighed. She had a feeling she knew what was coming and she didn’t know what she was going to do about it.

“Jeff please just…”

“I love you.” Jessica hadn’t been expecting him to just come out and say it like that but when he did she felt her heart flip around in her chest and she felt like time just stopped, and that it was only the two of them alone in their own little world. Their eyes locked on one another’s and Jessica couldn’t help but smile a little.

“Jeff, you came all the way to New York to tell me that when you would see me in a week anyway?”

“I also came to tell you that I messed up. I should have never called him out and I should have listened to you…”

“Shut up Jeff. You ever notice that when you’re nervous you talk a lot?”


“Well you do. Jeff I love you too, but if I can’t trust myself then why should you trust me?”

“Because there is something about you that tears down every barrier I ever placed around my emotions so I wouldn’t get hurt, and this time, we hurt each other. I want a second chance Jess. I want to give us a second chance.” Jessica bit her lower lip and thought for a second. Then surprised them both when she kissed him, when she pulled back she smiled.

“Second chances can be a good thing.”