Status: completed

Who's Cheatin' Who

I Love You

Matt looked into the eyes of the woman that had just told him that she loved him. A smile spread across his face and he leaned down and kissed her. Pulling back he smiled at her.

“I love you too Jessicka.” Matt said and together with his arm over her shoulder the two of them walked backstage. Into pure chaos. Jessica was crying and Kevin Thorn was stalking toward Jessica and Jeff. Jessicka walked over to her friend, Jessica to see what was wrong and Matt stood there watching the two women for a second, smiling. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard someone yell.

“HARDY!” Matt turned, Jeff turned and Jessica looked up, as did Jessicka. Shannon Moore was walking toward Matt, and he looked pissed. He however never made it the man because a fight had just broken out…

Matt turned just in time to see Kevin Thorn punched his brother in the jaw. Jessica was in tears and not helping any. Matt headed over and tried to stop it.

“Thorn leave him alone.” Jessica said thru her tears.

“Stay out of this.” Thorn hissed at her.

“No, dammit Thorn I love him…” She immediately backed away afraid the man would hit her. Throwing one last punch at Jeff Thorn spoke.

“Tomorrow night, you and Me Hardy, we will fight this out in the ring.” Thorn walked away. Not looking back. Jeff who was still standing pulled Jessica to her feet from the sitting position on the floor and into his arms. She buried her head in his chest and cried harder. Jeff held her tight, in his arms.


“What?” Jessica asked looking up at Jeff.

“Do you really love me?”

“Yes” she replied and Jeff could see it in her eyes. He was content with that and he had a feeling that he was going to be spending a lot of time with Jessica and her daughter over the next few years. Matt smiled at his brother as he wrapped an arm around Jessicka. The two couples watched as John passed looking furious.

“Give her a little more time John, she is too afraid to admit she loves you.” Jessicka said. “She is afraid that if the baby isn’t yours you won’t want her.”

“I could care less who’s baby it is I love her and she is the only one that doesn’t see it.” John replied before walking away.

“I think I’m going to go talk to Misty.” Jessicka said.

“I’ll go with you, Jess.” Jessica replied untangling herself from Jeff’s arms. “In the mean time, Jeff do me a favor and stay away from Thorn.”

“I have no problem with that.” Jeff said grinning. The girls both walked away in the direction that they had seen Misty walk in. They passed the trainers room and saw with a side glance that Edge had a busted lip and was currently getting stitches above his left eye. There was also a bruise on his chin. Jessica tried her best not to laugh. They found Misty crying in the locker room sitting on the floor with her knees pulled up to her chest. The girls looked at each other.

“Mist…” Jessica said. Misty looked up at her friends and they saw her tear stained face. And the hurt in her eyes.

“He hates me doesn’t he?”

“Who Misty?” Jessicka asked.

“John, I left him standing there. I can’t face him, I know he hates me and wants nothing to do with me because of the baby.”

“That isn’t true, he doesn’t care who the father is. He loves you Misty. Go talk to him. He loves you.” Jessicka said.

“Yeah, it broke his heart when you walked. Come on girl face the facts, you want John as much as he wants you.” Jessica said.

“What am I supposed to say to him?”

“Well for starters you could always ask him if the offer is still good.” Jessicka said grinning.

“The offer…oh that…You think I should?”

“YES! Are you insane the man wouldn’t have asked if he didn’t love you.”

“But Jessica that was before all this”

“Quit doubting yourself and go dammit, before he leaves for the night and I fully expect your ass back here tomorrow night for ECW so ya’ll can help me cheer on Jeff.” Misty was a little confused but she walked out of the room. She went to find the man she loved.


John was sitting in his SUV thinking. He didn’t know what the hell to do. He was in love with her and she couldn’t see it. John pulled the engagement ring out of the glove compartment. He opened the box. He still wanted to marry her. He put the box in his pants pocket and started the engine of the SUV. He immediately shut it back off as he saw her walk out of the arena and straight to him. He stepped out of the SUV and closed the door.

“John can I talk to you?” Misty asked him

“Sure” Misty didn’t know where to start. So she took Jessicka’s advice.

“Is that offer still good John?” a grin spread quickly across John’s face.

“That depends.”

“On what?” Misty asked biting her lip.


“John, I’m sorry, okay, really I am but I didn’t think that you could love me after what I did. I was stupid and I am sorry that it took me so long to realize that I love you.”

“I only needed to hear that you love me.” John took the ring out of his pocket and opening the box he took the ring out and slipped it on her finger. Misty wrapped her arms around John’s neck and kissed him.

“I love you too Misty.” John replied and then kissed her.