Status: Working :)

Once upon a time,..I used to give a damn


He didn’t look up for the rest of the lesson, as i walked out of the classroom at the end of lesson he was nowhere in sight.
"Looking for someone?" Abbey came up behind me.
"Dont you have to go to swim club or something?" she made an injured look on her face, smiled and walked away from me. I sighed and walked towards my bus stop. I couldnt get him off of my mind, his blue eyes they tormented me. They seemed fathomless, as if they could stare straight into my soul. I shook my head and put my earphones in. Of course the first song was fall for you be secondhand serenade. The bus came not long after, i hummed along to the song as I sat down at the empty window seat. The bus drove off slowly, all the ride home i stared out the window, thinking of the boy. what was his name? why was he looking at me? why was i so interested in learning about him? the questions went round and round in my head. Finally the bus stopped outside my house, i thanked the driver and went up to the door of my flat. I took my earphones out and began searching for my keys. When at last i found them i unlocked the door and walked into the flat.
"Mum!! Im home.." i wasn't sure if she was home or not. I headed up to my small room and kicked off my converse and collapsed on my bed. Lying there was so nice and comfortable i could have fallen asleep, instead i sat up and looked around my room. On my desk was a packet of photos mum must have printed off from my sixteenth birthday. I was looking through all the pictures when i heard the front door open and slam shut. I heard keys jingling and knew it was mum
"Luce darling, can you come downstairs?" I sighed and walked downstairs towards the kitchen. Mum was standing in the doorway with a small box in her hands.
"I know i forgot to get you a birthday present so, here it is" she handed me the small box. i couldn’t guess what it was.
" Mum, you shouldn’t have.." she just smiled as i opened the box to see a silver love heart locket.

"Oh mum..its beautiful!" i gushed. She smiled and took it out of the box, i held my hair out of the way as she clasped it around my neck.
"It has a French inscription, saying 'Omnia vincit amor' " I smiled at her and touched the locket which hung above my breasts.
"What does it mean?" i asked.'
"It means..Love conquers all.." i hugged her and went back up into my room to see my phone had a new message. It was from Abbey telling me to go to hers. I Looked at my clock, put my converse back on and ran down the stairs for the third time today.
"Mum, Im going to abbeys, dunno when i'll be back" i said as i walked out the front door she yelled out telling me not to be too late. Abbey lived down the block from me so i walked there and mum trusted me to walk there whenever because our families were good friends.
"Abbey!" i called out as i went to the open door of their house. No i went inside up to her room and saw her lying on the floor in an awkward position with blood down her wrists and neck. I screamed as i saw the knife in her hand. She jolted up with a smile on her face.
"Gotchya" she was still smiling.
"Fuck!! Abbey dont do that to scared the hell out of me." I sat on the edge of her bed as she began wiping the 'blood' off of her.

" were scared?"
"No shit sherlock." She began writing in a notebook.
"so was that for your drama play?" i asked, partly curious, partly furious.
"Nahh, i just wanted to scare you" i didn't know if she was being sarcastic or not so i let it go.
"So what do you want?" i looked at her clock it was nine thirty i wanted to go home.
"The party.." I sighed and texted mum telling her i was staying at Abbeys for the night.
"Noah has a friend whos more than willing to escort you to the party" she sat beside me and nudged my arm playfully. I glared at her.
"are you implying that i wont have a guy for the party...?" getting angry i stood up and started pacing.
"well...Will you?" she put her hands in her lap and i stopped pacing to look over at her. I sighed and sat back down beside her.
"No..." she smiled at me and grabbed my hand.
"Haha Luce, i love you"
"Mmmm..." i started thinking of the guy in English. My other hand which was not clasped in Abbeys, reached up and touched the locket Lying on my throat, its coldness was foreign to me.
"heyy Abbey..How weird was that guy in english today?" she looked at me with a confused look, withdrawing her hand from mine.
"What kid?"
"You know...the one in english who--" her confused look made me shut up.
"Never mind.." i got up off the bed and walked to her table, looking at the photos she had on her wall.
"Im gonna go to bed.."She said amongst a yawn. Well she didn’t tell me anything interesting, coming here was a waste of my time I thought to myself. Sighing I took my hair out of its ponytail and lightly combed it with my fingers, sometimes having long hair was such an annoyance. I walked back to the bed, kicked off my shoes and laid down beside her.
"Noahs so hot..”she mumbled, on the verge of falling asleep.
"Oh yeah, think his friend is to? Cause you can have him too if you want" she lightly hit me and mumbled something that i didn’t hear. I looked at her and realised she was asleep. I turned on my side and drifted off to sleep.
*The next morning*
I woke up to find Abbey gone. Sighing i got up and looked at the clock. It was seven thirty, if i didn’t leave now i would miss my bus. I guessed Noah had texted Abbey or she had to do something at school early so i chucked my shoes on and walked down the stairs and out the door. Slamming it behind me. The bus wasn't too far of a walk and the bus was already there. I ran so i wouldn't miss it and paid for my ticket. Nearly all the seats were taken so i sat down beside a guy with a hoodie covering his face. I sighed and put my iPod in and began listening to the music during the bus ride. The ride was shorter than usual and pretty soon i could see the school, i stood up and walked out to the aisle, the boy with the hoodie trailing close behind me. All of a sudden the bus lurched to a stop and the boy crashed into me, making me fall to my knees and my earphones fell out of my ear. I turned to face the guy when i came face to face with a pair of gorgeous blue eyes, my heart seemed to stop beating as i looked at him. He looked at me, quickly stood up and shoved past me walking off the bus.I just stared at him confused.
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